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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Xxx

    for sale : usa 82 grady white

    What's the price?? Usually if the blocks cracked so are the exhauste manifolds and the power steering cooler, what was the cause of the cracked block other than not properly winterized, reason asking is my blocked cracked due to poor quality control on the peak RV. antifreeze, which all I got was a "we are sorry for your inconvenience" yup, it reads right on the bottle not for engine use, the for boats means a sink or a head on board, I explained I didn't use as a operating antifreeze, but as a rust inhibitor and a standing still antifreeze!! They didn't care because it reads on the bottle "NOT FOR ENGINE USE" therefore I didn't have a leg to stand on .
  2. The outfitters boats look well outfitted, was there a plus towing your own boat other than comfort? We did it both ways, other than to be able to cover more turf the price of towing vs. renting there boats was about the same. Awesome,awesome trip, it's been a while since I saw a big group of guys together on a fishing trip!! We usually had 8-10 guys but as time went on it was usually just the 6 of us. The fish you guys caught there were much better size than when we went!! Is there a slot on that lake? The lake we fished for 20+years put a slot limit on the lake and the guys that went last year say it's really working. That big pike I take is going on the wall??!! Congrats guys thanks for all the pics. There's nothing that compares to a Canadian fishing trip!!. Maybe I'll give it a go again someday but that border Buisness we went through was enough Bullshyt for me. I'd like to take my kids on a trip like that before I'm to decrepit to go anymore!! I'm happy for you guys, nice trip!! Thanks for all the pics. PAP
  3. If you have access to a credit union that's the rout I'd take, they usually have the best interest rates and no strings attached.
  4. Very unique looking lures, I would be willing to say those lures in the above pics. would be deadly on the eyes when trolled, the red eye I have and seen in silver but not copper, although it seems like copper does well on the fingers and Erie but yet I can't buy a fish using copper on LakeO?? Very cool thanks for sharing.
  5. We were just saying the exact same thing, with the heavy rains in Utica Ny. Was wondering if any of this hit Lake'O?? It might be this time next year till the lakes back to near normal.
  6. LOL, I'm not ready to get rid of my 20's yet, I know someone on here said they used 15#ers on there lake systems, I don't know how long the booms were on the ones that lift 15#'s but the mag 20 will pull 16#ers and there telescopic, if they seem flimsy I'll stick the 5ft metal booms I bought off a fellow LOU member. Tinfin I do what I can afford, with the sales on here and the shows the lake folks have, if your not to proud to use 2nd hand stuff you can outfit your boat with the 2nd best of the best!!
  7. Thanks a lot Brian, I make all my own walleye rigs and the 8,6mm beads this man has is awesome and at a price you can't beat. I lost my contacts for glow beads where this outfit has twice the amount for half the price. Put a order for 100 of all the glow beads and a sample of the cats eyes. Thanks brother for sharing your knowledge!! PAP
  8. Yea TinFin at first the guy told me they were out riggers and he told me his dad paid $3grand for them. When I first saw them I thought they were Cannon riggers but the bases were odd looking. They have 5FT fiberglass booms. They were way ahead of there time and the cost factor is why they folded up. I can't wait to use them!! I'm a little weird in ways, I like to take older stuff and make it workable, especially in my favorite activity fishing, nothing on my boat other than my electronics is brand new. I bought a set of mag 20's and I hate how fast they are, I'm hoping these will lift 16# and speed of the older cannons, to me this would be like having the best of both worlds!!
  9. No I'm from pa. But maybe if these don't seem structurally sound that's a avenue we will explore, thanks for contacting me about this. I agree these is turning out to be a great thread!!
  10. Legal or not we ran 2" glow sticks in front of our spoons at night, that gets their attention!! I zip tied the glow stick to the power pro in 30# test you couldn't budge those sticks.
  11. Congrats to the kids!! I bet they chattered like hens in a hens house. That will be the light of their summer vacation!! I know I have twin girls age 12 they don't care about size its quantity at their age!! Thanks for taking the kids fishing!! The lower post in the Clayton are congrats also, those are some stout fish in your pics!!
  12. Come on man those lures companies are to catch people not fishLOL really I don't know they might!! As NY state is the only state that has a automatic jail sentence if you shoot a big foot, seriously!!
  13. I will definitely keep us in the "know how" I have 3 of these riggers that were given to me, they came from a guy I met on the ST Lawrence River found out he lives 10 miles from me, they were his dad's, then he got them afterwards and they've been stored in his garage, he told me they cant possibly have a hour of run time on them. Even the stickers saying up-down and swim whatever that means? Is still on them.
  14. Pelt hunter what are you looking for in the older 350, I have one on a engine stand came out of a late 70's check mate, but the block is cracked. There is hardly no time on internal parts, 4 barrel with Holley carb. Oh 350hp, my bad
  15. Xxx

    Elite 7

    Thanks Les, I did the installation and all went fine, and it locked onto the satellites almost instantly, I was like well that's a hell of lot better than before, I used to be half way across Henderson till it said position acquired. Plus I think the down scan looked better, that could be in my head!! I'll try that one you posted and go from there. I think I'm just going to buy a power cord from eBay, I just thought someone had a power cord laying around. My problem is the boats in NY and I brought the unit home, I usually have one of my daughters friends father do this for me. He works the computer side of our cable company and is a genius with this computers business. As far as the unit working I was more than upset, because he did the install and all went fine, and it worked flawlessly, I could zip up to the lake it showed contours hidden shoals and what not. Then the trip of a life time right after our charter and couldn't follow those lines, if I had a bat or a golf club it would be in LakeO. The weather was great we were able to get out and present a perfect spread but without being exactly along the drop offs you were screwed, but I had the best trip since my accident!! All went fine with my boat, so I think I have all or most of the gremlins kicked overboard my kicker went south the last day, but that was beyond our control, I think the pipe from the water pump to the power head either a seal or a o ring went south. It stopped pushing water out the exhauste ports and it would just slowly die out. We were done for the week anyway. Got home went to put the motor on a stand I made and dropped the motor on my big toe and broke my toe. WTF next, I have to learn I just can't do what I used to. I hate asking for help!! It's a man thing my wife tells me.
  16. They are all I use
  17. Thanks Lake I know that area there has severely strong under tow there. If you fish there somtimes it actually pushed or pulls your rigger weights. I noticed that when I had the pancake, now with the torpedos we were out along the cliffs in that area, and they didn't have that big of swi
  18. Xxx

    Elite 7

    Thanks Lake really appreciate the extra help!! I'll look around and if it comes to that I'll look ya up PAP
  19. Xxx

    Elite 7

    Thanks for the heads up, if it comes down to that, I was hoping someone had a older set of plugs laying around, but I see these cords are used by a large amount of units, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad. Thank you again!! PAP!!
  20. Xxx

    Elite 7

    Hey thanks for the response if I count the pins and there right, would you think it will have the same slots that have to line up?? I'll check into if The Furuno is compatible!! Thank you again. Pap.
  21. Xxx

    Elite 7

    I guess any lowrance blue plug will work, I read that the earlier units like lcx if it has a blue plug power cord.
  22. Whatch out that could be my ex wife, she's got long arms and sticky fingers!! Those of you that witness this I'd advise you to check your pockets
  23. I agree with the above post, especially if your combat fishing, when you need to horse the fish in!,,
  24. Xxx

    Elite 7

    Elite 7 I was wondering if anyone has a power cord from the elite 7 era I don't know if others are compatible? I would like to be able to power up the unit, to make sure the updates and chip updates are correct. The last trip I was up fishing I was fishing blind as the update I thought I did wasn't correct and my finder was a treat to use. All that I had was depth numbers no contours and I had to manually move the screen as the arrow stood still and the pages moved. I had lines on the screen that must have been from years past, that I guess the computer remembered. But yea if you have a set of power cords for this unit I would like to buy them off of you!! Thanks PAP.
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