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Everything posted by Tomb

  1. We had blue birds at our house in Hamlin yesterday.
  2. Just curious, what did you shoot it with?
  3. One of the techs at Vortex (was on the phone talking to him in regards to an issue I was having) told me never to fire a scopes gun in a Lead Sled.. he said it does not allow the “energy” to release and can break the optics.. just curious if anyone else has a view on this or an experience with an optic breaking. I have always found mine to be a great tool for sighting in so was surprised to hear this view.
  4. I would start with checking the scope mounts and if that is all fine, I would make sure the rings are seated properly (was a torque driver used to mount scope?) and if that checks out, I would be getting a new scope... Something is not right, and you work too hard to get into position on a mature buck to have equipment failures. Just my opinion.
  5. Just curious, are leases readily available in the area? What is the going rate per acre?
  6. Good luck!!
  7. What a perfect Xmas present.. can’t wait to see a very well deserved buck!!
  8. Always amazes me that anything can survive out there in temps and windchills like that. Super tough animals!!
  9. so awesome!!
  10. Check out Lane's in Dansville.. I have used him for deer mounts, but have always been impressed with his fish when I have been in his shop.. Home - Lane's Taxidermy (lanestaxidermy.com)
  11. They call that “sizeflation”…. It is a new technical Term for getting screwed.. happenings everywhere…
  12. I believe they just changed the bottle... I believe the price increase is due to the lack of availability.. I have heard of people paying over $100 a bottle on gunbroker..
  13. Just an FYI.. Cabelas appears to have Blackhorn 209 in stock on-line.. I placed an order on Friday (ship to store) and it went thru, got a confirmation and it let me select 4 bottles... Still a bit skeptical, but we will see
  14. If it works on horses…. we have a horse farm and that is our go to spray..
  15. I had a friend that claimed that pouring bleach on the floor would keep them away.. never worked for me.. seemed to just piss them off more..
  16. Wow!!! A real beast for this time of year.. hell of a job landing it being solo!!
  17. Mother Nature provides the best entertainment out there.. Some of the stuff I have seen over the years can't not be properly described in words... you need to see it. Sounds like you had one of those moments this morning!!
  18. Awesome story!! Certainly better than being in the office working this morning!!!! congrats!!
  19. These people are so out of touch it amazes me sometimes…
  20. Nice rig at a fair price.. Good luck with sale!!
  21. such a great post... you can never assume... I think people also forget how much things can change over the course of a couple hours.. just because you get out safe doesn't mean the same level of caution is required on the way back...
  22. try the Firing Pin in Bergen area.. Last time I was there they had the best selection of rifle ammo I had seen in a while...
  23. Very cool footage.. Just curious, how far was the shot?
  24. Tomb

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Holy cow!!! Very well done!!
  25. Tomb

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    You got her the right tool for the job... Got to love those tack drivers! Kudos to her for delivering a great shot!
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