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John nastasi

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Everything posted by John nastasi

  1. John I am sorry I still have the track.I read your message to fast thought u were asking about Mast.I have it if your still interested.
  2. until

    What time do doors open?
  3. Mag 10's sold
  4. Planner board mast sold pending payment
  5. Lafayette just south of Syracuse
  6. Big Jon planner board mast 160.00 2 older Cannon mag 10s with mounting plates only 1 is working both have 3 rod holders 225.00 Berts 12" track new 35.00
  7. I have 1 brand new 12" Berts track 30.00 pick up
  8. FL-18 ULTRAPAC Has a dual transducer 9 & 19 degree ,DD100 depth read, battery charge,soft case,tackelbox,owners manual,mag shielded ,instruction tape,original box Any ? call 315 466-9197 375.00
  9. Where are u located interested in fish trap

    1. kappy


      Hi John  I am on the edge of greece in the city, by stone and dewey area

      thanks Rick


    2. John nastasi

      John nastasi

      Wish I was closer I have the same trap but was looking for my son in law.We are just south of Syracue.

  10. NEW Vexilar FLX-28 Brand New FLX-28 Pro Pack .Ice is coming. 600.00 Any ? call 315 466-9197
  11. Will take 25.00 if picked up.Should fit most cross bows except Excalibur.
  12. Yes there is one left.
  13. New Crossbow case Brand new Bear Crossbow Case.Was 59.00 asking 30.00 42"L 27"W 11"H Lafayette NY
  14. what are the ugly stick rods heavy, or medium?

    1. Total Chaos

      Total Chaos

      Light, 6-20lb line

  15. bump
  16. There aren't any pictures Of the boat.Hard to sell without some pictures of what the boat looks like.
  17. NO Pictures on your post
  18. Let mew know if he doesn't take them.May be interested?

  19. Thanks looking for 7' med
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