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Everything posted by reddog20fan

  1. Get the net out of bald eagle marina. Great charter for smaller parties.
  2. Asb hands down not even close.
  3. Albright knot. Always use mono for leaders. Need the stretch.
  4. You can definitely run a clean spoon. It may actually run a little deeper that way as well. Less drag in the water.
  5. They will send you a replacement.
  6. Bay rat short shallows and warrior flutter spoons. Try 10# floor leaders and small swivels. Also try running your leads out. 100 or 125.
  7. Sandy launch is under water so bring you waders
  8. Hilton ny. Someone is coming over tonight. If the add is still up tomorrow its still available.
  9. https://www.costadelmar.com/us/en/performance-technology/lenses.html Great info on lenses from costa
  10. I have a 16 tracker side console listed right now. I realize its not a crstliner but its in great shape, served me well. Needs nothing.
  11. Thank you.
  12. Even with the high water levels it was really skinny getting out. If you go, go slow and trim up. Nothing has been dredged or marked
  13. 2005 16' tracker for sale 50 horse mercury oil injected 2 cannon manual riggers with weights and releases Traxtech tracks with 4 berts rod holders Cannon speed and temp Lowrance depth finder Big john planer board last with reels Bow mounted Minn kota trolling motor Cover brand new Spare tire Trailer with current inspection All safety equipment flares and pfds. Some tackle available if interested at extra cost. Boat is great multi species platform and entry level trolling boat. NEVER STORED OUTSIDE. Boat is in excellent condition and is turn key. The browns are biting. 6500 or best off
  14. 7000. Rods reels and tackle available at a good price. Buy today fish tomorrow.
  15. 7000 or best offer
  16. Still available. Come out take a look. Browns are biting.
  17. 7,500 obo
  18. Warrior flutter spoons. Copper confusion. Wicked witch.
  19. Warrior flutter spoons. Copper confusion. Wicked witch.
  20. Brown trout fishing is just around the corner.
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