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Captain Carl Bish

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    The Florida Keys
  • Home Port
    Marathon, FL
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  1. If you find yourself down in the Florida Keys and want to take the family out for a few hours of fun fishing look me up. I'm running the evening trips and Lake Erie, Buffalo Sport Hall of Fame legend Capt. Jim Hanley is running the daytime trips. Capt. Carl www.foodchainfishing.com
  2. Does anyone have any Shimano Talora Wire Line 7' 1 pc Dipsy Rod with rollers Model TLA70MRG laying around that you want to get rid of? I will pay a fair price and shipping. Text me 305-900-8091 Thanks, Capt Carl
  3. Nice, squeeze into 7-10' and you will find more fish in that area. Remember warmer = better and warmer is closer to shore.
  4. There is a wealth of information given above. I really can't take exception to anything said. I will add a couple of things. Study the environmental physiology of your target. You need to know this, habitat, niche and how that relates to the conditions of the day. (It amazes me what people don't know AND more so, about what people think they know, but is just not so about salmon) Use your GPS. Use waypoints and tracks to replicate the last bite you had. There are days when you can troll in a straight line for the limit, but taking several fish from multiple passes over one spot is more of the norm in the summer. Use proven (BY YOU) tactics. Communication from peers is good and I have posted many truthful detailed reports during the years I fished LO, but if you keep chasing the reports and radio you never perfect your game. Know the lure market and the colors there is often a dominate color and action in the hot "radio" lure. I once had over 30 plano boxes of spoons in my cabin, when I finished my freshwater career I had 2 and cut my lure expenses by 90% and still filled the board. Refer to #1, understanding the vision acuity and physics of light, whether a lure fluoresces or reflects and contrast with the surface is the game. Same with tactics, I never got into the inline planerboard game, lots of guys do it, but not one of my tactics, you need a good arsenal of tactics but you don't need every tactic. Get really good at riggers, sliders and dipsys then add. Finally, let me repeat myself, REPLICATE do the same proven thing time after time year after year. Keep a log until you have done it so many years in a row that you just know what to do when you clear the jetty and look at the lake in front of you.
  5. Just out of interest, when you called my number from 2014, what did the guy tell you about the rod holders. LOL!! I always get excited when I get a notification from LOU. This one made me laugh. Good luck out on the big O!!!
  6. There are many ways to catch fish trolling. The question that I would ask you is why are you fishing. Are you after the meat? I hope not Lake Ontario fish have a metallic taste for a reason. Are you fishing to prove you can put a bunch of fish in the box? Or are you fishing for the fun of the tug on the other end of the line? I am an experienced troll, but I no longer fish using that method (at least as little as possible, but I will be Wahoo trolling in the morning, see below). Some years back I decided that pulling in a fish, a 11 inch flasher, a dipsy and wire line on a roller rod just was not fun any more. My last 5 years fishing Lake Ontario I would run a 7' spinning rod with a penn 5500 spooled with 15# mono. all spring. Clients delighted in the fun that that rod provided. I finished my career on Lake Ontario running 4 riggers, 2 dipsys and a copper. I can tell you the most fun fish to catch are rigger rods with spoons where you fight just the fish and not the tackle. That said if you are meat fishing like my Lake Erie Friends go with dipsies and leadcore. If you are HERO fishing do it all or if you want to just have fun go with riggers. Extra from the SALT: Trolling for Wahoo: Speed of troll 10 -15 mph, 12 inch deep diving plugs or 50' of 60# mono followed by 32 oz weight followed by 25' of 100# mono followed by 6' of 150# wire with a 20 oz cowbell skirt. If the fish hit the later you handline the last 25', in either case you maintain 10 mph while dragging in the fish. If you are lucky you have an electric reel. Not much fun, but they taste great and people think you are cool if you catch wahoo! Meat & HERO fishing, the fun is the Tarpon on spin when you get back to the island.
  7. Great report. Good job making the most out of the times!!!
  8. Off Marathon, FL Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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  9. Very Nice. Put some red out in you spread, spring coho's, Atlantics and Kings love red in the shallows.
  10. Just like LO, some time they are calling for 4 footers and it ends up being fishable. Glad you could get after 'em.
  11. Not a pretty sight out there the last couple of days. Glad you got some good fishing in the first part of the week. We will certainly be feeling the winter tomorrow with highs in the mid 60's. Looks like the wind will keep us off the water until late next week.
  12. (A report from way south to cheer winter blues) While snapper fishing on the reef, we had a couple hooks bit off and we could see the kings (mackerel) circling in the chum. Wired up a couple of jigs, tipped them with a ballyhoo tail and it was game on. We kept one each, released a few and fed a couple others to sharks. Doubled up on the chum and raised a school of yellowtails for the table. The cero's, hind and AJ were bonuses. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. I found that BUTTER makes those LT's taste better!!
  14. Brian, you would have to also separate out the biotic vs abiotic matter as turbidity could just be from your neighbors lawns being eroded into the lake. Of course as the septic systems are in those lawns no doubt nutrients are being added. At the end of the day it is a hefty price to pay for better salmon fishing!
  15. I moved from WNY to Marathon in the middle of the 2015 Salmon season. March is a great month for night time snapper fishing in the Gulf, yellowtail on the reef, some Wahoo if you are here on the full moon and BFT if it is calm enough for the boat you are chartering to get you to the humps. Sails can be off the chain in the rough water as well. Tarpon is iffy at best, but we always have some around. April/May is the best time for both them and Permit. I run a fish for fun charter service here and do not "fish hunt" (take you out to catch a specific type of fish). Neither my schedule nor my boat allow me to adequately or honestly do that. There are captains that can get you what you want on any given day, Josh Artis, Brian Cone, Delph, Scott Walker....ect. Beware there are many that take tourist fishing and promise you anything and then leave you with a story of why it just was not that day. I have even had captains run out of hooks for the species we were after and that was a $1200 trip. This is where honesty of a captains skill level comes into play. If you do book, insist on fishing with the captain who is the owner of the company. Finally, waiting till you get down here may NOT be the best idea. March is spring break month and it can be a busy charter season. I fished 5 charters last week and have three to run before the end of the year. Then I'm taking a couple of weeks off. We do that down here as the season is long and we just don't like to work too much here in the Islands. I have 6 days and a few additional evenings available in March. My website is www.foodchainfishing.com if you would like to see what I offer. You will find that I offer a guided trip for just a little bit more than renting a boat and doing it on your own.
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