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Captain Carl Bish

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Everything posted by Captain Carl Bish

  1. Have the company send me 2 of each color and I will test them on the salmon and the trout. Shipping address at the link below.
  2. Tom, I picked the brain of a guy that has been a licensed captain for 25 years and has a master's degree in biology and we were in agreement!!! Them's is fleas!!
  3. Warning!! If you coat your balls do not let Fishinman Tom on your boat, he will bounce the bottom for lakers and ruin the finish!!!
  4. Sounds like you have the fishing thing down pat. Give FISHINMAN Tom a call at Tournedos and he will have a recipe that will fix the anniversary thing!!!! Congrats on the 18 years!!!
  5. Home Depot sells a rubberized spray it is the same stuf that is used to dip pliers, screwdrivers ect. Works great and is a great finish.
  6. No...........but.............. There was a thread about them last year, but I forget what the verdict was.
  7. I have a hypothesis that only the primary color of the fly matters. For instance if the fish are hitting a green fly you could grab any green fly and it will do as well as any other. My suggestion would be to pick several combos and keep track of what conditions they work under -- then fish them at those times.
  8. With the warm weather over the weekend came the arrival of the ankle biters. In my limited experience on the lake I have found that the most effective protection is a pair of thick wool hunting socks. I use the bass pro lifetime socks. AND waterproof shoes. The trade off is that they are hot, but no more bites.
  9. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Captain Carl Bish/Salmo salar ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): June 10 Time on Water: 6:40 - 2pm Weather/Temp: Warm Sunny Wind Speed/Direction: LV Waves: <1 Surface Temp: 63 Location: N LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 18 Total Boated: 6 Species Breakdown: Kings, steelhead, coho, brown Hot Lure: MOONSHINE Tangerine Tiger Trolling Speed: 3-3.4 Down Speed: 2.6 - 3.0 Boat Depth: 80 - 200 Lure Depth: 30 - 75 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Set up due north of the port wicked current prevented an east/west troll so we adjusted to a 32 degree troll. That was the ticket for the first pass and in the first 40 min we had 4 in the box and missed another 4. The rest of the day was all about the misses as we kept getting slapped by the steelhead, but could not keep them hooked up. The fishing really slowed down for us as the morning progressed. After a day of "couldn't do anything wrong" yesterday; today returned me to just another humble fisherman!!
  10. Sorry to break the bad news. We had some small fleas building up on our 30# power pro lines today. You should prepare for them (carry a spool of 30#) as early as next weekend, but I hope we don't have to respool till next month.
  11. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Captain Carl Bish/Salmo salar ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 6-9-2012 Time on Water: 6:30 - 2:30 Weather/Temp: Rain early turning partly sunny/65-75 degrees Wind Speed/Direction: 5-15 SW Waves: <1' Surface Temp: 56-62 Location: North of Point LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 24 Total Boated: 18 Species Breakdown: Steelhead, Cohos, Kings, Brown Hot Lure: Moonshine Tangerine Tiger Trolling Speed: 1.9-3.0 Down Speed: 2.4 Boat Depth: 100 - 260 Lure Depth: 15 - 120 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== June 9 Headed north to 100 fow and began marking fish on the bottom so we decided to set lines and go after them. We hoped that they would jump all over our lures, but this was not the case and we trolled about a mile east before making a slight turn to the north. This turn was just enough to trigger a strike on the 600’ copper and after a 20 minute fight 15 year old Jessica landed a nice mature king. We worked the area over and on our second circle a big Brown Trout hit the same rig on the 600’ copper. While these were both nice fish they hit a full hour apart and a fish an hour was not the action we were looking for so we headed north. Just as we hit 250 fow we began picking up Steelhead on the high rigger and short leadcores, we changed our tactics just a bit and the action became rather consistent with the steelhead and coho taking the standard MOONSHINE Tangerine Tiger on a 3 core, at 29’ and on the 43’ slider. We added a few 2-3 year old kings to the box using the MOONSHINE Little Bruiser and Snack Attack mupped at 66’ a good steady day with lots of fish including several quality specimens. Hot Lures (in order as shown in pic left to right) MOONSHINE Tangerine Tiger -- 28’, 43’ slider, 3 color core MOONSHINE Little Bruiser -- 66’ MOONSHINE SNACK ATTACK -- mupped over 66’ MOONSHINE PICKLE -- 3 color core (not shown-prototype top secret) White Glow Flasher/MOONSHINE BLUE SMOOTHIE Fly -- 600’ Copper
  12. I thought I saw you wearing one of these as a bikini right after an upwelling last summer.
  13. Pay attention to your reel when a king is screaming and turn the boat 90 degrees as soon as you think/know it is a screamer and you should be fine. If you have a line counter tighten your drag when you get to the last 100'
  14. You do not have to use a levelwind for copper, get yourself a low end #50 reel and load it up. I figure that if a drunken fisherman in Mexico can land a 1000# marlin on the reel, my clients should be able to winch in a 6 pound steelhead or 30# king!!! I am using a big 2speed, lever drag okuma, not overly expensive but very effective. With 50# power pro backing I have never had a fish run much backing off a 600'. There is a lot of drag for our small sized fish.
  15. YES!!! The documents that Joe and Shirley recorded on "AT THE OAK" are a testament to their legacy!!! Thanks for the reminder - Ray!
  16. The MOONSHINE Ratchet Jaw is an awesome Brown trout spoon, it is a Goby imitation pattern. The standard size is good, running 3 standards and a mag can fill a box with browns reel quick.
  17. I am a bracket fisherman as well, first rod down stops at 50', then the probe goes down to find 58 degrees, I adjust my first rigger to that depth and drop the probe to 49 degrees. On most summer days the lower margin of the mesolimnion is 49 degrees, and at that depth the temp will be inconsistent fluctuating in the 40's depending on speed and direction. I will often run a 600' copper to keep the deep fish honest. While the probe is mostly used for speed, it is important to keep an eye on the temp all day long because conditions can change and the faster we react the more consistent the bite will be.
  18. Seems like you may be focusing on the reel rather than the result. What do you wish to accomplish with your lead, how deep do you want the lure attached to that particular line to go? Answer that question and then fill the reel with the correct amount of the #test that achieves your goal. I use the core to reach fish <40' down so I run a 3, 5, 7 color of 27#. >40' use the coppers, 2, 3, 4, 6, (X100) If you are only fishing walleyes, you will not need much backing, I would think 50-100 yards would be more than enough.
  19. OR..............you can look at all of Ray's posts over the last 106 years and do the exact opposite!!! I do not mean that the advice is bad, what I mean is take those to techniques to the lake, don't just talk about them from the couch!!!
  20. 3-8 pounds, some nice ones were hanging out in that water. Today the water was gone and floating moss was there in it's place making fishing difficult.
  21. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Capt. Carl Bish/Salmo salar ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):6-2 Time on Water: 6:30 - 10:30 Weather/Temp: Rain/windy/cold Wind Speed/Direction: 10 SW Waves: <1' Surface Temp: 42-52 Location: West of PT. Breeze LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 12 Total Boated: 6 Species Breakdown: Brown Trout Hot Lure: MOONSHINE Ratchet Jaw, Hot Steel Rapala Trolling Speed: 2.7-3.2 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 20' Lure Depth: Surface ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Arrived at the lake with hopes of squeezing a 4 hour trip into the weather window provided by the wind change, ends up the inshore water was calm all day despite the small craft advisory posted. We headed out of port and immediately found cold 46 degree water on the surface, out at 70 fow it was 42. Headed right back into the mudline and contiued west, found a football field sized patch of 52 degree water and worked it over for a dozen bites and six nice browns. Largest fish came on the Moonshine Ratchet Jaws off shallow 4-8' riggers, Hot steel and Black & gold rapalas #9 & 11 off the boards took their share of bites but landing ratio on the wood was very low.
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