Owned or used them all at some time in my 69 years. They all do the job but I always go back to Big Jon . Aluminum construction , USA made ,Good service , really like the flexible boom easy on the connections and the boat . Fair price and last but not least they look good on my boat .
Otter boats 200 and 300 coppers spindoc and flys. Big fish producer for me . 400 to 600 copper down the shute. Save the jets for walleye they do not seem to work for salmon for me no answer as to why tried them many times only got rainbows .
A 400 copper will need a large reel 800 Takota will hold a #45 lb 400 section and about 200 yds of #50 power pro backing. I am with skipper19 on the short coppers his post hit the nail on the head lots more fun . The long heavy #45 section are a great deep water tool but a handful to deal with for sure.
In my humble opinion adding lead to any copper section kills the signature that copper creates. Lead can create a cluster f###k with copper sections have seen it happen more than once . We run sections 60 ft through to 600 ft . If you want lead put it on wire or braid don't screw up the copper signature that's why it works so well. Not cheap to run a lot of sections but that's the name of the game . My two cents and that's not worth much now days.
I still use the old Jonflys on a Hotspot Cop Car in August caught a 32lb king and some mid to high 20lb last season. They don't always produce but they do get hot like most any other bait. Don't rule out any bait or set-up they all have their day .
Chadk 6 mag dipsey's off the otters sounds like a nightmare or do mean two divers off the boards and four wire rods with divers either way sounds like a tough task . I max out with one copper section on each side. But I must admit I am getting old.
Homeland Security wanted to tighten up and secure the border. Guess what the Canadians did. Looks like we got what we asked for .Bad situations to be had crossing both sides of the line.
9ft Talora roller rod , 700lc Takota reel, 35lb wire,one pound ball 3 way swivel , Atomik Frog dodger black and silver Evileye. Greaser killer accounts for the odd King on occasion. Bottom scrubbing rig for sure.
Can't see why not . The throttle control is a option on the TR1 . I paid extra for the throttle control unit and that was a throttle motor and antenna and wiring . The controller came with the TR1 so I would presume your Trollmaster will work but you will stuck having to use two controls instead of one.
You may be drawing air through the kicker line pinch it off with vise grips if the problem goes away install 3 way valve in the line to seperate the motors.
Has anyone used the triples looking to pull long coppers. My Otters fall a little short on the longer sections 500 plus. Also how hard are the triples on the mast I use BJ electrics , Snubbers required ? Don't want to use Amish boards. Thanks for any information or suggestions.
Caught many 165 down over 240 off the bar deepest ever 285 over 300. Brute 20lb shark spinny and fly also mag moonshines. Biggest lake trout 24lbs caught 245down over 300 spinny and fly. Late May early June. Not my favorite thing to do hate dealing with that 20lb shark.
Have a look at the Garmin Echo Map 50 the map draw time is very fast . Great card maps available Blue chart, Vision Card and the new HD series all great lake Ontario data . Add a transducer and you also have a great sounder . I own five Garmin units on two boats easy to use and great factory support with updates etc and all have been trouble free.