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Everything posted by Frogger

  1. damn, and I'm having pasta tonight, rib looks good.
  2. nice report Les. At least the lake was cooperative this weekend. Glad to see you got out up there.
  3. It's an average screen but there have been days wherei don't mark much either. The blowback is normal with 10lb weights. If your using the 200 try the 83. You might find your ducer is more forward as well from the cant of your boat maybe.
  4. heres my screen shot today. I do run mine high sensitivity so that's why the interference is a little high.
  5. Well here's something to try not to say its going to catch you more fish but it would make you feel better about seeing them as said earlier. Not sure what unit you use or trans degree it is. Unless your ducker is kicked at a wrong angle, or a thruhull, you should be seeing the balls when your sending them down. At least at a stopped positIon. Try turning the sensitivity up, or surface clarity down etc to get more of a better picture. As I said there's a ton of stuff you can try but these are just some starts. I'm surprised you didn't mark much with that much travel today. Others I'm sure on here will be a huge help. This is an awesome site for this kinda of help
  6. Are you marking your cannonballs down 100+ ft?
  7. i was afraid of that. This thing has been spot on for activity to the point where it's freakin scary. Might be an afternoon bite. I'll keep my eye on it.
  8. is it picking up on the hits or do I need to throw this thing out?
  9. we believe you Theresa how's the lake this morning?
  10. I think it's what Theresa says it is lol.... Actually with the wider angle 200 degree probably bait?
  11. I wonder how the grate would be in that 50fow off in front of that wonderful red brick bldg would be with some soft shells Les. The good ole days.
  12. Damn thought I pm'd that lol
  13. Ed, along with what Les said, try flat lining two rods with some crank baits, shallow divers to med like the perch wee r's in that 10 - 15 fow along the edges of the weeds and you will be surprised. You can go hard core with boards but to me just flatlining the two rods gives you a quick idea if you hit the gold!
  14. Always sad to hear about stories like this, rest assured that captain will regrettably yell at someone that maybe wasn't in his best interest to do so. Everyone has at one time turned the wheel and to look up to see a boat that came out of nowhere. I also realize there maybe some less ethical people out there. Sometimes you need to act as an adult and bite your tounge. Buzzer I would put it in the past. Or you can invite your local encon officer out for an enjoyable evening of action. Im sure he would love to go out. Just let me know when, I will even pay you the gas money to go lol.
  15. Did someone say Perch........? Boy isnt that right around the corner Les...... cant wait.
  16. Nick, what ever you do don't show the mount, that has to be one of the nicest steelhead I have seen with that color. That's a fish! Oh yea Theresa's fish is a stud as well.
  17. Started out early with my son Jon and Signalman this morning at 120 fow. Marked quite of few fish out of temp, couldn't get a fish to hit a paddle. Once we moved out, switched to a spoon program started seeing some releases, Mike bagged a nice coho, with some mixed kings as well, with one that wanted to tour the entire boat under the cables, yikes, how did we ever get that fish and not lose anything ill never know. Sons first big king. Good day but had to work for it. Can't wait for this weeks calm weather. Things are heating up.
  18. Congrats on the king! Long day for ya but you managed to yank one out at least.
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