We fish several times a year with a guide in the Naples area. Its a bit south of where you are but he is amazing. He is a backwater expert as well as some of the off shore areas. I have an amazing 2 hour plus video of a 150+ pounder that towed the boat several miles around the backwater last April ! Look up Chris McCubbin and tell him Ed and Scott from Canada sent you. Great guy!
In the past, I take pen and paper with me and leave a note on the inside of the windshield of my truck stating I will pay when I return. I've never had a problem.
I think your issue is not line strength so much as your drag. We consistently run 17 pound test (Trilene XT) and have never had any issues. When we did have a break-off it was the fluoro that broke. Heck, we have even landed mature kings on 6' ultralights and 8 pound mono (see attached). Patience is the key, but a loose drag will prevent against ripping the hooks out of their mouth and/or breaking line - provided you stop trolling to fight the fish.
Cool thanks. My bad experience came when an item was shipped across the border and extra fees popped up making the price not worth it. This item is 30min from my residence so I don't see that being an issue. Thanks for the input!
Hey guys, So my father has been fishing Lake Ontario for salmon for many years and slowly but surely we've gifted some fish with spoons for jewelry. Bronte Flutter Spoons have been my father's favourite since I can remember and I was curious if anyone had any they'd be willing to part with/sell for a surprise birthday present. For reference, they look like the image below. Directions to where they can be purchased (new or used) is also greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
It is still there and active as far as I know. I always find it odd an Atlantic salmon hatchery for Lake Ontario is located seconds from Lake Erie. Also, why hatch Atlantics when Kings are what everyone is after!
Likewise. Haven't been out in a month or so due to the persistent crap weather. Was hoping to get out tomorrow. We're 60min west of Bronte so it is an extra bonus if we end up washing lures.
I hear ya! We had a good day yesterday (Saturday) and with a similar forecast thought we'd take a close friend of mine out for her first day fishing. Talk about bad timing. From now on, all "forecasts" will be compared to the real-time NDBC reports (example).
Thanks all, I'll keep that in mind. I'm going to try Sail today and if I have no luck I'll have to take a roadie to a BassPro or order something off their website.
Edit: Went to Sail, they had exactly what I was looking for only you could not return it (even if it wasn't used) after 30 days. Seeing as the fishing season is >30 days away and we hadn't really looked elsewhere we decided to punt as we could always come back later.