Is that because they're in winter patterns still?or just skipped the whole deal and will end up right out deep? The lake blew crazy last 2 days and it's freezing so that probably didn't help
Damn I really dont....any walleye around black river?once again it would be a picture and release for me. I'd love to go for bass but still no CnR season up there. Kinda bummed browns must still be in transition?
I'm also headed up this week so I can update on launch. I usually launch in Henderson and cut through the gut and to the trench but I've never fished this early. Camp is in Sawyers bay it'd be great to get some shallow browns out in front. I don't even keep them we just catch a few for fun.
I know the charters are smoking them but they always are
are you guys getting browns at all? Id love a king but im a bass guy so even a nice brown is exciting for us. Its just me and my girl but she has a camp right in sawyers bay so its always a blast to go out and catch a few football browns. Hard to get away from the big smallies
im looking to head up for browns out of stony as soon as its all clear so cant wait to hear. the camps in sawyers bay and I wanted to get out early this year to fish in it before they head out deep. sounds like I have plenty of time haha
Capt rich thanks for the help, im used to staying on the high rocks in the trench. I feel like im fishing for kings but got browns in the big water. This was last year. im heading up for my first time this year and instead im launching from stony instead of henderson. Can I troll the 50 foot water off the bays outside of stony? this is where our camp is......or stick with the trench?
I had the boat up on the Fulton Chain last week.Had all my gear with me for ontario so I trolled alittle in the deep spots of 4th and didnt see much as far as lakers go. Im going to head back up and maybe look for some landlock salmon in 4th. Maybe go to 7th or Raquette Lake. Havent bee up there since I was like 14 so I stayed near Inlet, it was gorgeous sometimes we would be the only boat on the lake around sunset. I love that area just not sure if its the best boat fishing besides for bass?The locals I talked to said it was too hot with no rain and I wouldve had to hit a laker on the head to get it to move so maybe fall will be better!
nice! everyone in the henderson area said the eye fishing was difficult this spring. fall will be my first time trying up there for em and i cant wait. the eyes in oneida sure are tasty but id love to get a picture with one if the big boys from up there!
Nice to see a few people posting about the area! my first year up there, done good on browns in the trench. Going to go back up in a week or two looking for kings
now im grabbing 2 auto inflate vests for us before we go out on monday for sure. Having a brand new 18 foot center console made this story hit home but I wont even allow 2 people all the way on the back when im on oneida let alone onatrio. Ive also never had a ditch bag so I guess thats something else Ill have to look into, I just use the waterproof containers but theres no way id have it out in time if the boat sank like this. Probably a small flare gun in one would be best right?
whens the best time to go for stripers around cape cod? ive been going there my whole life on vacation but we would just do bluefish charters. Id love to take the boat if theres good fishin in close. was thinking about going around sept 1st
got a little king in the trench last week havent made it too the shipping lanes the waves are insane coming inbetween stony island and the high rock. hope i can check out the lanes sometimes but the trench is a blast i love it out there! good luck finding info i tried for months finally just went out there blind and figured it out1
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Have the gear and the boat but since im brand new to the henderson/stony point area i think its best to hire a charter to go out and learn the area on?any suggestions in the henderson harbor area?
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