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Everything posted by BALLS DEEP

  1. How nice of them not tot notice.
  2. When running a dipsy and rigger spread is it better to accelerate or decel when making a turn?
  3. Do people recommend going with tx-44 side planers or otters?
  4. I wouldn't run 12 but I know guys do. I would rather go a little bit bigger.
  5. Ihave a buddy that hasn't had any luck with them. Maybe he isnt running them right. Any suggestions on setup?
  6. How much success do people have running 4 dipseys and also how likely are tangles when fish hit? I want to try this but at $50 for a spool of wire and all the tackle that can be lost, I am a bit hesitant. Last but not least does anyone run mag dipseys on the inside rods?
  7. I've had a few captains tell me that less is more with salmon. To much junk in the water can turn into a big mess.
  8. Yea like HOK said, I personally would run a little bigger so you dont lose some gear and fish as well.
  9. I would say 12lb is sufficient in the spring for browns. Really you should go bigger when you start fishing for kings. From what I hear with the braided wire, the fleas stic to it pretty bad in the summer. Jusy from reading on here most guys run 20-30ld main lines for salmon. I run 30lb big game, seems to work pretty good for me.
  10. Good job gents! I have the fever more now than ever.
  11. Can't say that I know of anyone up that way. I know a guy who can make them for you though.
  12. I definitely agree Chas. I run 30ld. and may try the 50lb for leaders.
  13. Where do you live Kyle?
  14. . I'm sure I could be of some assistance.
  15. I'm going to try running one dipsey with 8 and one with 10 and see what all the hype is about. Thanks.
  16. Is it a good idea to hand line a 20lb salmon? Thanks for the replies guys!
  17. Ill have to do a little experamenting and see whats works best. I lke to 50lb leader idea though.
  18. Thanks for the info guys. What are the advantages to not using a snubber?
  19. I have two questions I was wondering about. The first is what kind of line do you guys run between your dipsy and flasher? I have been running 30lb big game and wasnt sure if the stretch of the mono would effect the way the spin soctor swims. The second question is what is the length of your leader from the dipsey to the flasher. I have ran 4 to 6 feet in the past and made out alright. Just wondering if there are any setup or tackle changes I can make to better my presentation.
  20. Great news. Thanks for sharing.
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