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Everything posted by JGS

  1. It is easy to cut, I used a razor knife, a good set of scissors would work also though Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. I put mine over plywood sealed w/ fiberglass resin, no roughing needed, sticks fine. Use a trowel with small notches, once you start putting pressure on it the glue migrates well so do not put extra around the edges, you'll end up squeezing a bunch out the sides even w/o putting extra down. I used an old round seat pedestal to flatten it and press out any bubbles,use as much down force as you can press. It doesn't matter where you start, whichever is easiest, I started in the bow. The glue will take a long time to dry if it is too thick. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Indoor/outdoor carpet glue, got mine right at Home Depot, small V notch plastic trowel to apply it Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Count me in.
  6. JGS

    6/3 Otisco

    Main lake, south of the sand bar was not bad, fish and weeds came north of the sand bar.
  7. JGS

    6/3 Otisco

    Went for a quick evening troll just to get out in the water while we had a chance this weekend. Fished from 630 to 9 with nothing to show but weeds here and there. Found large schools of bait in 45-60 fow, suspended from 10 to 25 ft down. Fished that until the sun started going down and then moved in tight to 20-30 fow. Managed one 23-1/2" just after the sun went down on a green gander glo stinger with a small snap weight. Weed mats were too much to deal with in the dark so we called it quits around 10.
  8. Two Bert's ratcheting rod holders, bright finish. Three years old. Look and function like new. Syracuse area, $140.
  9. Yes, still available Pm sent
  10. I think these are the specs you are looking for, I have the swivel track bases for mine.
  11. Put lounge seats in my boat and I don't want these taking up space in the barn anymore. I have four seats available, 2 low backs w/ 10" pedestals, 1 high back w/ 12" pedestal, and 1 high back w/ a 12" aluminum flip up storage base. I have four floor mounts for the pedestals and hardware. $20 each, located in Tully(25 minutes south of syracuse).
  12. Another slow event as far as walleye go!!! Managed 6 smb and a dozen or so Browns. Had three or four swing and misses on riggers, good rip but by the time we got reeled down, no one home! Was a good day none the less and thanks for putting it together Justin.
  13. Count me in, I'll just cut out the middle man and give my $25 to capt jeff beforehand this year!!!!
  14. JGS

    Oneida 6/26

    10a-3p, 32-42 fow, crew of four had a hard time keeping 6 rods in the water. Trolled the buoys north of Shackleton with the usual spread of reef runners with scorpions on three way rigs and scorpions and rapalas on the riggers. Finished with 26 fish landed, 20 eyes(5 keepers), 5 perch, and a white bass. Lost our two biggest eyes at the back of the boat.
  15. Browns and LL were in 9-20 fow, the rainbow came on the turn somewhere b/w 180 & 200. Boat is a Starcraft.
  16. Went for my first run on the boat my buddy bought this winter. Overall not a real hot bite but when we found fish it would be 2-4 bites in a row. Ended with 3 BT, one RT, and half dozen plus dink LL. everything came on shallow program, tried a few short cores with no bites, switched to all spoons, boards and shallow riggers both produced. Purple killer spoon was our MVP, at one point we had three out and all of them eventually fired. Fished shallow mud line right in front of Meyers.
  17. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/50355-mexico-bay-shakedown-4-12-15/#entry349306 Great setup for a small boat!
  18. JGS

    Oneida 6-7

    Pretty much the same report as capt. Jeff(miss em), except we went to channel markers north of Shackleton where it was real snotty. Trolled 2 hours, 7 hits, 3 keepers. I messed around trying to run 3-way rigs off the big boards far longer than I should have, ended up running two riggers and a three way down the chute. 31-40fow
  19. JGS

    Oneida 5/8

    Fished north of Shackleton from about 230 until 7. I spent the first two hours wasting gas in 25-35fow, with very few fish marks and no releases. I worked out deeper in 38+fow and the screen lit up. Managed 8 eyes in the end with the last fish being the only keeper and it hit the rigger right as I started to pick up rods. Got fish on scorpion spoons and cranks, the one keeper on a MI stinger scorpion(shrimp). All action right on bottom.
  20. My friend just got a set of older Cannon Mag 10 A's but he needs bases and swivels, pm me with any available. Thanks
  21. I fished yesterday morning from 630-1030, had just above 40 deg on my Lowrance on the north side of the causeway. Fished back and forth along causeway and I only ventured about 3/4 mile up each shoreline. Couldn't find any BT but we did get 3 SMB in the 3-4 lb range and 3 TM from 30-36".
  22. Went out of Mexico Point yesterday afternoon, The S wind yesterday pushed all color off the shoreline. Only color was right off the river and creek mouths, Looks like a better wind the next few days so the color and temp should move back into the shoreline.
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