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  1. Has anybody had any luck with perch around long pond/ cranberry or Braddock bay yet? Or is it too early still.....
  2. Hi guys! I was at Tupper Lake ice fishing with my uncle and only caught a few perch in the last 2 days. Was hoping to get a nice northern. Head back home tonight, but we are coming back up in 2 weeks. Anybody know any hot spots they wouldn't mind sharing? Thanks! Tight lines!!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. I used snubbers untill i got out on the charter boats. None of the pros use them. Use longer leader, 7' is ideal dipsey to flasher 3' from flasher to fly etc. Run around 190-240 ft of line out on #1 dipsey setting. Play your rods for speed, put a good bend to them but don't go crazy. Loosen the drag until it starts taking out line then tighten untill drag is no longer running out. That should get you in the 2.0-3.0 down speed. Better to be a little faster than slower, if too fast your chancer of hookin up with a king won't be so good but a steelie will always chase the fast troll. good luck
  4. Wires were hott all weekend for us as well. Nice fish!!!
  5. Lmao Jimmy 😂😂 he don't like gettin dirty and he didn't want anything to do with the 300 copper either!! Carpenter my ass haha!
  6. Forgot to weigh it before I filleted it. I'm gonna say 23-24#s
  7. My friend on the Outlaw invited me up for a nice day fishing. Caught lakers all morning then the kings turned on for the remainder of the day. All in all had a blast other than the damn flies biting. Heres some of our catches.
  8. Biting flies we're horrible on the boat I was on! Anybody else have a fly problem? Don't know where there coming from.
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