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May 17, 2012
Last visited
7 hours ago
Everything posted by Nautitroller
Multi floral rose bush, it's where every big buck my dog n u have tracked goes. Hate that stuff!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Can't wait to run these flies on Owasco tomorrow n Sunday!!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
There ya go, got the honor of weighing it in.
Only, 31 1/2"
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
1:30 south shore
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
If you have a lot of deer feeding in it they will keep it mowed, lol
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wtg Joe n Nick. Tough bite out there this weekend hope the clients appreciated your efforts!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Well said! The guys that won this past weekend are very good at what they do. Find em to catchem, they put a lot of time in, congratulations to them! Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Great job Alex! Nice eye to boot!!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What did you plant? Looks nice!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Tough day for my wife n myself, one Laker, any pm for the am would be greatly appreciated she ground it out till the hail storm!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Yes I was working the scales, 18.49 lbs. Caught on live bait.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice! Can't wait to get out tomorrow!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Results?? Come on had to grind out work today!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
The south end of Cayuga produced a bunch of smaller classed Lakers this spring, 16-20" So maybe its where they like to be or they are feeding on different forage..
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Loved that guy! Finger lakes Icon is right, he will be sadly missed. Prayers n thoughts to his family!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Moon and turkeys, not much talking this am, last week, hammering, same kinda conditions, blame it on the moon!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I think that Seneca is and always will be the queen finger lake. She is massive and can be finicky. The fish are there you just have to do more scouting on Seneca. Love Cayuga but it too has its hot spots and cold ones. I do agree with Nick they cycle, I think with the amount of bait.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice Rollie, was that your brown in the BB?
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Gotta give her big kudos I've seen her out in conditions most people would have never fished in!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Dam have to work, go get em guys!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Looks like it could have fed on some of those small salmon!
Great catch!!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Great job Joe, heard you had a few dropsies, lol ! We toughed it out in that crazy wind! Landed 18 Lakers shallow and deep nothing huge but that's Keuka. Congratulations to all that fished it was brutal!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Nice day! Good looking fish!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
That's a really cool pic! That's why some of us stay in upstate NY
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Send your convector to tuna toms for a drag upgrade, comes back like a $200 reel!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app