I’d strongly advise investing into getting a speed and temp probe as someone mentioned in this thread. In my opinion, it is the single most important tool to have on your boat. There have been times I’ve nearly had to idle my kicker motor to obtain speed. Only to turn the opposite direction Thinking my probe was off and immediately turned back around as the current was so strong. Fish hawk doesn’t lie. Good luck. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I’m appalled. I’ve had my panther for several years I can’t believe they are blaming you. I detach shifting cable when not in use (While hauling boat) and trim motor up slightly keeping my EZ steer connected to motor. No problems yet thank god. I feel terrible for your loss. BUT...You didn’t get skunked. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Lol, reminds me of the tv show: “Fishing with Olando Wilson”. Old show on TNN. Someone out there knows what I’m referring to. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Looking for the hardware to attach the adjustable rod. Mine snapped off my kicker motor somehow... I don’t want to spend money on the adjustable rod as I have backups for that. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Although it's only a prediction, but by the sounds of it, we're going to have a mild winter with the help of el nino. Anyone think this may extend the feeding habits producing bigger fish and a better fishery similar to a few years ago?
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Depends entirely on how much beer you drink. A 1' wave quickly turns into a 5 footer after 20+ beers.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Ok, so I plan on running two copper rigs this year. I will primarily be fishing around Sodus but also Oswego. Question is, what's an ideal copper length for those two locations.
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Lol, there used to be a carp derby in the Susquehanna before my time where they cooked and served carp all day. From the one person I know that had tried carp at that derby said it taste like you'd imagine..... not good!
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I had one break last year also, interesting topic, do I keep the same leader length? I wonder how many others don't use snubbers.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Hey, I'm selling a sub troll for $300, I tried responding to your message earlier only to find out I responded to a completely random post. Just listed with pic at 8pn
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I recently purchased some equipment from a non LOU member . Almost everything was still in original package or gently used at best. This Looks very new. The prope still had the instructions inside and appears unused. I will NOT part out. I have a fish hawk and have no need for any of this.
Same tactic on lake George, using a vexilar. Jigging with large Swedish pimple tipped with minnow. Once you're vexilar shows fish, reel in as fast as possible. Fish deep.
Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Great finder, I can see all my rigs including dipseys fish hawk and cheaters. You can actually see the spin doctor rotating.
Sent from my SM-G730V using Lake Ontario United mobile app