Guy at the Oneida south shore boat launch dropped his jet skis off then pulled up in front of the only slip that is deep enough to launch and unhooked his trailer, leaving it in the staging area, so his wife could take the Saab while him and his son go riding. Wtf is wrong w people. Come courtesy is in short supply these days. The next day the same guy is parked in the grass by the lake. Must be he couldn't walk the 50 yards from the huge parking lot that is made for parking in. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
After a few years of less then stellar trips to Cayuga my son and I finally had a great couple day out there. I owe it all the lurking I have done on this site. Thanks to all that share information. We started out yesterday from the camp site on the north end. Trolled to long point with copper and dipsy's dipsy's on mono and downrigger. Caught fish on all. Lost almost all that hit the mono because we couldn't trip the dipsy. Ran to bass pro and picked up some braid. Today was rough. We ran up the long point and trolled south back to camp. Yesterday's total was 4 small rainbows 1 26" rainbow, 3 short salmon, and 2 keeper lakers. Today was 1 keeper salmon 3 shorts salmon
and 5 keeper lakers. Only iced 1. All lures and techniques worked. Best lure was blueberry muffin but anything chartreuse worked well. Fished from 40 to 70 ft down over 100-120 fow.
Do any of you know if there is an easy way to stole copper line off of reels? I have 2 copper line set ups but I only use them once or twice a year. Is there any good way to remove and store until the next time I need it? Seems like I am wasting those two set ups in the garage all summer only using them a couple times. Thanks in advance.
Got out this morning. 1 24" laker. Good day out w my boy and buddy. Couple of minor issues tangled one leadcore w copper rig and one of my new poles just broke after three hours of trolling. It just snapped but Cabelas is going to replace it. Hardly any weeds or fleas on the north east side. Can't wait to get back and try it again.
Thanks for the info. Hopefully will be posting pics of my boy holding some fish. This is all pretty new to me. I have learned a lot from this site. Great that everyone is so willing to share intell.
So my son and I r heading to owasco Friday am. I think I have everything. 2 wire dipsey, 2 10 core lead, and 2 riggers. Going to get some purple spoons and green dodger and fly. Am missing anything? Should we go out from north or south end? Hoping set up through out the column in 100 fow at first. Then move around until we mark fish. It's our maiden voyage on owasco and forts time w copper. Anyone want to share some tips to help us hook up? Thanks!
I went with the 8'6" medium rod and a 30 reel. It should work for the amount trolling I do. I fish Oneida mostly so they should be ok for the eyes. Hope to get them delivered so I can test them out on owasco Friday.
So I am looking to get into a couple copper rods at a low cost. Cabelas has some of their rods on sale now. Does anyone have any experience with the rod and reel combo below? Will these work for dipsy's and copper?
DMTR-76M-30B 7'6" M 12-20 2 30 Trolling In Stock $79.99 Sale! $59.99
Does anyone have issues viewing posts on their iPhone 4? Mine locks up every time is read a post. I am new to trolling and there is so much info on here I can't read enough. But it is frustrating when whenever I open a post it locks up on me and I have to turn my phone off to unlock it.
Best way to do pickerel is to fillet and skin it. Then throw it in the food processor Y bones and all grind it up add chopped bell peppers onion eggs bread crumbs and old bay. Make into a patty and fry in a skillet like a crab cake. It is awesome. My pops told me to never throw one away again.
From what I have been reading and talking to guys about we need to invest on some poles to run wire. We meet get away running braid and dipsy's as long as the fleas aren't bad. I think more time is needed on boneparte to figure it out.