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Everything posted by SMC481

  1. went out with my dad, buddy and wife and had a good day got 2 bows, lost a nice LL, 3 lakes we kept 5 to 8 pounds and let a bunch of smaller fish go to get bigger this is heathers fist bow it was a nice healthy fish she was happy
  2. my buddy sent me these pictures and asked if i had caught and fish like this yet this year, he said he has caught 3. i thought i would post them and see if anyone else has seen this, he says its like someone cut there toungs out. he says all of the fish have been very skinny and not healthy
  3. i've never fished any tounaments with you guys and just became a member of lou. how does this work do you meet up in the morning to pay in or sign up or just show up at weigh in time.
  4. Hey man. i see u took the top off our old boat, i meant to swap those track lock bases out but it looks like your allready bought matching gear. good to see your using the boat its a good one i know we cought a pile of fish out of it.
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