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Everything posted by apb

  1. Woops...sorry... didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest. SK8MAN is right, I was just bustin a bit...Gator, you make excellent points! Two pound Perch are definately something to celebrate! Good fishing guys.
  2. With all due respect to the Sleeman brothers whom are both a class act and have proved themselves year after year to be amongst the cream of the crop of Perch Derby anglers.....Lund SSS....do we really need an acceptance speech...its one two pound perch for cryin out loud.....
  3. Perfect!
  4. Thanks guys....
  5. SoTx 22's are good for up to about 7 colors? Then I need to switch to Tx 44's for 8 or 10 colors?
  6. www.reelhookedup.com
  7. Joe Kane will be selling his Victrolas at the Watkins Glen show tommorrow. If anybody is in the market for one, Joe is a class act and his products are top of the line.
  8. apb

    18 or 20 feet

    If you are gonna use her for trolling with 2 or 3 people a bigger boat is the way to go. If you are gonna anchor and fish for bass or panfish with you and a buddy a smaller aluminum boat is much easier to deal with.
  9. Sk8man and Lund sss know of what they speak. It's like pulling teeth in Seneca!
  10. Is that the fellow from Lindley N.Y. I think his name is Cliff Davis?
  11. Which planer boards should I buy for running lead core in the finger lakes? Church tx 22, 44 or walleye? Any other info appreciated. Thanks,
  12. Poles293 makes a good point...do not break your rods down and allways keep the wire taught. I leave my Dipsy's right on at all times.(keeps the tension) Ok can anyone else chime in on depth formula? 2 to 1 minus 10% within a few feet ?!?!? Speed and lure affects this, we know.
  13. Hey Balls Deep...you sure you want to use 12lb line for these chubby finger lakes browns? Guys are catchin 14 pounders plus..Just sayin!! P.S. The Brown in my profile pic was hand lined in with a 20ft leader. Just remember your fingers and elbows are the drag!
  14. Dont use the chart that came with the dipsy for depth if you are using wire. Those depths are calculated for 20lb mono I believe. Your wire Dipsy will run deeper than that chart tells you. Someone correct me if I am wrong but you can figure a ratio of about 2.5 to 3 for line out to depth. Example...210 ft of wire out should put you about 70 ft or a bit less
  15. Thanks guys... the blond haired one is my son. This pic is actually from last summer...just learnin how to post pics!! Still in Perchecutioner mode but dying to break out the downriggers very soon!!!.
  16. Let me know how that goes...my son would love it!
  17. Ran out of battery to start my big motor on a perch trip.(ran my electric motor to much) Seneca can get ugly enough in the middle of February. I was glad I left my 8 horse Honda on from trolling season. Oh yeah...also its the right size for my 17.5 Crestliner.
  18. He was on just a while ago, should be in classifieds. They are very nice for the money. Hey, do you guys paint em black or leave them shiny silver to attract?
  19. One of the best in the finger lakes told me to use 12 to 14 foot leaders and just hand line the fish in. Works great!!
  20. It would be great if Seneca was included. Lots of us over here!!!
  21. Ditto...
  22. Barrets Marine in Waterloo has a good reputation. You could also talk to Larry at Roys Marina in Geneva. Stivers at the north end of Seneca...He is a big Yamaha fan....
  23. Our copper pullin /Seth greene draggin boat is a 16 foot glorified row boat with a johnson 25 on it. We have a circle of friends on Seneca lake that we boat to... dinner parties etc... In other words we hop from lawn to lawn with our boat. One day my kids saw a grasshopper in the boat and said Daddy come look at this grasshopper! The kids thought that was a great name for our boat! "The Grasshopper"
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