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Everything posted by apb

  1. I am looking for suggestions for a speed and temp at the ball unit. Which one should I buy? Thanks for the input...
  2. You have another pm polo bear!
  3. You have a pm
  4. Still looking...prefer a main motor 90 horse or bigger.
  5. I have found a decent deal on a 2004 Tracker Targa 18 wt. I have read mixed reviews on the integrity of this boat. Can you guys give me your opinions on this model? I know shes not a LUND or a CRESTLINER but I also do not have unlimited funds to support the Lund dealer. I am also aware that you get what you pay for. This boat will not be used anywhere other than the fingerlakes. Thank you in advance for your opinions...Andy
  6. I allready posted this on LOU classifieds but I wanted to make sure the message got around. I am looking to buy a 17' to 18' deep v, dual console aluminum boat. Full enclosure and kicker would be ideal. Willing to spend up to $12,000
  7. I am looking for a 17' to 18' fishing boat along the lines of a Tracker Targa etc...Dual console with enclosure is a must and a kicker would be ideal. I am willing to spend up to $12000. Thanks
  8. I am looking for a 17 to 18 foot fishing boat along the lines of a Tracker Targa etc...Dual console with full enclosure and kicker motor would be ideal. I am willing to spend up to $12,000. PM me if you know of anything, thanks EDIT: I merged this post. Please keep in the proper forum - mb
  9. Please PM me if you have a used Precision Trolling book you would like to sell, Thanks
  10. Severne rd bait is ok if your just looking for shiners, fat heads and worms...has hooks and sinkers also! Very close to Backachers!
  11. Stivers marine, north east corner 5 bucks a gallon.
  12. The marina just inside the canal on the north east corner should have it.
  13. Thanks for the report...we were also on Cayuga that day and experienced the weed and flea plague. Do you run your 50lb big game line all the way to the spoon or spinny or do you still use a small length of 14lb or so leader for stealth? Thanks, Andy
  14. Thanks guys...how about length from ball to spin doctor and fly or spoon? I have read that if you have to much fluoro from dipsy or ball weight to spinn doctor it may not perform correctly?
  15. Do you folks use braid rather than mono to prevent stretch when downrigging(hook setting purposes)? How far should my spoon be behind my release?...I am using a 12lb fluoro leader. I am fishing mostly Seneca. Thanks...
  16. Well thanks to Sean at Reel Hooked up and a few others I am starting to figure out the Dipsey thing. Set a #1 on 2 out 220 with a f/f combo and landed a 6 lb laker. I am starting to think the ratio for wire is closer to 2 to 1 than 3 to 1 ?!. Ran a #1 for silver fish at a 2 out 80 and 120 no luck. We will keep plugging along...When it gets to slow we just start pulling copper and grab the net!
  17. Captain Stoutner...what setting for 3 to 1 ratio?
  18. Thanks everyone...I will put all the advice to work this weekend. Andy
  19. Thanks so much for all the great info guys. I decided to measure off a 50 foot distance and compare it with my line counter at 50 feet...not even close. Can anyone tell me how much 20lb mono to put on my reel under my 500 feet of 30 lb wire to make my line counters allot more accurate. My reel is a Eagle claw JC 600 30 D. Line capacity is 20lb/355 yd. Thank You, Andy
  20. OK thanks...but you dont think vertical rods affect hook ups correct?
  21. Sorry to be a bother but one more question, how important is it to have your rod holders horizontal as apposed to vertical and does this affect only hook ups or can it affect depth as well? Thanks for your time, Andy
  22. Thank you Wes, so let me get this straight. You can put a mag ring on a size # 1 Dipsy? I have been running a Spin Doctor and a Big Weenie Seneca ghost on the Mag and DW SS spoons on the #1 for the silver fish. Thanks guys...
  23. I have not found a WIRE Dipsy chart yet. Without ordering the book "Precision trolling" can someone guide me on some good numbers to go by for my #1 and Magnum size Dipsy's please. I am looking for landlocks rainbows and browns on the #1 and Lakers on the Magnum. Thank You...Lost on Seneca!?!
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