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Everything posted by NickR

  1. Just pulled my boat the other day and it is caked with algae- any suggestions?? Took the power washer to it and it didn't do much of anything.
  2. Atta boy Lou! Have a good winter!
  3. Pulled the ol boat today but before we did I figured we would go fish for a few hours- we went 3-4 with a big boy (thinking high 20s) and a few 20#. Think the first year with my "big boy" boat was a killer success. Took 4th in the sandy creek shootout, got my first Tyee, and took 8th place in the steelhead division in the fall Loc!! A few upgrades are in store for the winter/ spring and we'll see you guys in the spring!
  4. Got 2 braid and 2 wire. I'm going all 4 wire next year I like how forgiving the braid is but the fleas are horrible.
  5. Not that it even matters. Of the how many hours you've been on the water how many times have you been pulled over??? Lol in sandy I'll be lucky to see a coast guard/sheriff boat once or twice a year.
  6. A course won't take the stupid out of people. How many people get dwis take the course then go back and get another one? (Wanna say it's like 75%) How many young kids take drivers safety classes and smash their cars up? It's all about experience and responsibility- nothing about a stupid course to teach you who gets the right of way.
  7. Yes the weather was interesting this morning! We went 2-4 with 2 hit and go's at sandy only one other boat out there. Nasty!!
  8. Got one outta the mouth of a brown one day LOL
  9. Mono isn't too hard to slip in, when you pull back the braid sheath to cut the lead, butt your mono right to the lead, and slide it back over the mono. Silly easy and I've not lost anything yet (no glue only one knot) knock on wood.
  10. Last year anyone could go catch em- set up at 150 and go to town. The water stabilized early and state that way pretty much all summer. This year was different as winds shifted temps around an you actually had to go fun these fish. Yea last year everyone caught more fish but anyone could do it with those conditions.
  11. This time of year? The motto is "salmon- the other white meat" lol
  12. We drag the boga also. Keeps my fat ass from hangin' over the side.
  13. At this rate you may as well get a lifetime lisence. My parents got my brother and myself the lifetime when we were each 12- best thing I've ever gotten (cost 350 at the time). 14 years later and I'm still fishing/ hunting with no fees! Add a sportsman license up over 14 years you're at 800ish?
  14. Looking at the back of the boat it's on the right side under the exhaust manifold... key word under. Prb 3/4 the way back. It's a pretty big oil filter you should be able to see it easily- unless it has an external filter in which you will see a few hoses coming out of the engine in the same place. You'll have to lay down and get in some weird positions to make it work! Try a google search for pics
  15. You can say water this water that- it doesn't matter. These fish could care less about temp right now- they're going to swim up a stream that's high 60's low 70's and die. They are in mouths now- you just won't find a ton. End of sept is your real "run" it happens every year every creek.
  16. Plastic depth masters reels are sweet. Smoother drags than the magda pros- just don't buy the rods! Lol snapped two depth master dr rods that I bought new this past may. Good bang for your buck but you do get what you pay for!
  17. Yup! Or the guys from PA take them LOL. Natural process they sink to the bottom and decompose or get eaten by scavengers Students going to school for biology or fish studies collect all of the dead salmon and count or stack them up/dispose of them, or let the coons eat them up. Steelhead fishing in nov I end up stepping through one or two and get a good smell from it. (from the ones that sink to the creek beds)
  18. 3-4 today stupid lakers and missed a good brown. Put a sweet BT program together but there were no fish there!!
  19. Willing to sell rod holders? Looking for 3 possibly
  20. Reel the swivel to the top of the rod and break it down, reel the slack up to the middle eye. I've never had an issue
  21. You too bro! Put something on the board!
  22. Yup sure do! Matt had the 21' with the 4 big Jon's? Yeah tomorrow should be better- were gonna put a bt/steel program together water permitting and try to put one last one on the board!
  23. We were derby FishIn out there and couldn't get much going. Tried 70-150 and got 2 rips around 100- one king on the wire lost (short strike) and one small steelie. Good day man!
  24. Ran out this morning went back to my waypoints from last night did 60-100 with a good rip on the 300 lost it with about 280' left to go- other than that beat up on the lakers. Went back out at 430 with my cousin Mike and we laid the hurt on these fish- Same waters same waypoints went 7-14ish(lots of short strikes) with 4 lakers a nice 7lb rainbow. We ended the day with back to back kings- 28.5 and 30.5! My first fish over 30 and a new boat record! Hot combo was a chrome backed blue dolphin spinny with a tourney glow fly as it took both kings and half of the lakers. That combo has been on fire all Aug.
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