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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. That is a nice feature of the Fat AZ’s, I just dont use mine that way. I like that the adjustment on them is infinite and not certain fixed positions. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. Ive never had an issue with my down rods popping loose. The angle of the pressure from the pull of the lure is different than the angle of pressure required to open the holder and remove the rod. I never move the position of any of my holders to remove the rod as chowdaire mentioned. I personally prefer my holder to stay firm in one place. I tighten my Fat AZ holder as tight as they will go. Cisco also makes risers in different sizes if you need even more height. The center rod in this pic is on one of their risers. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. We used 1/4” aluminum backing plates on the under side of our gunwales to reinforce the track. Use bolts with lock nuts. Hard to say what side id use if I only ran one wash or back rod. The other day, i fished solo and ran the back rod on the non kicker side. It did well. But I have days where the kicker side back rod was good. Hard to say if that has more to do with rod position or bait choice. Id experiment for yourself. One nice thing about track is you can run holders in different positions. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. We have Cisco on our boat. I really like it, but there are less expensive options. https://www.ciscofishingsystemsltd.com Fat AZ has some nice options too. I do use a pair of his holders for my side rods. They work well. http://www.fatazmusky.com/index.html Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Cool. Nice fish again. I’ve been having a great spring out my way too. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Congrats. Nice size fish with a beautiful pattern. Im curious because of the pattern on the fish, What state are you fishing? NJ? I’m in western PA. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. Thanks for your efforts. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. Thanks for this. Should be able to get a bunch of signatures at Muskie Max and the NY shows and those are just muskie fisherman. Hopefully it will help. How about reaching out to some of the bass clubs that have tournaments on the lake for signatures? Did Chap 69 get the petition started? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. https://www.wivb.com/news/chautauqua-lakes-weed-problem-has-fueled-community-controversy/ Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Most years, the south end clears up in the late fall. Not last year. Here’s a few pics of the algae in the south end from late November 2019. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Thanks for posting. More people need to be informed of whats going on. This is a very important topic for me and several friends. Chautauqua is my home lake and my favorite place to fish in the US for muskies. Unless Im in Canada, I fish the lake for muskies at least every weekend from the opener in May until November. Here is a link to the Johnson-Racine study that was done and paid for CLA. The south end was pretty much an algae bathtub last year...very few weeds left. https://alleghenyvoice.com/third-party-report-radical-detrimental-changes-in-chautauqua-lake/ Here is a more recent article. It’s good news the DEC is involved. I hope they only approve reduced herbicide use. https://buffalonews.com/2020/01/29/editorial-dec-needs-to-get-into-the-weeds-of-chautauqua-lake/ Killing all the weeds in the south end, expanding herbicide use further north, and altering native habitat has to have a negative long term impact on the fishery. The Chautauqua Lake Association (CLA) is on our side. The Chautauqua Lake Partnership (CLP) wants a big swimming pool with no weeds. They are the enemy. It’s my hope that the DEC limits or reduces the approved herbicide use of the last coupe years before the damage to the lake gets beyond repair. I’m not sure what, if anything, us fisherman can do to help make sure the lake and fishery remain healthy. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Awesome looking fish
  13. Thats cool you drove all that way and scored. Fishing was pretty slow this weekend. Short feeding windows. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Not at all. Even though we were fishing the same area we gave each other more than enough space. Not many people out this weekend anyway. I think i only saw 3 other boats yesterday, including you. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Thats a crazy story. We see quite a few eagles these days around PA, OH, and NY. I’ve thought about that happening. The last two springs, we caught loons trolling for muskies. Each time the loons hit while swimming under water and we initially thought we had muskies both times. The loons probably aren’t as bad to unhook as an eagle. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. Thanks. Congrats again on the fish. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. Yes. We have a black/grey Warrior with yamahas. Yesterday was really bad. I give you credit...not sure id have been out there without the top set. What boat were you? The monark with a merc? So did you get that fish Saturday? Thought I saw you guys packing it up when I was driving across the bridge yesterday.
  18. Nice work. Was that Sunday? It was nasty out there yesterday. Just checked...moon set was 6:27 yesterday. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. I don’t know many muskie guys that run downriggers so you may not get many responses. There are plenty of muskie baits that reach desired depths flat lined. However, I know it is somewhat common on the St Lawrence near Lake Ontario. I personally have only tried downriggers a few times. One season, years back at Chautauqua, we caught several muskies off a downrigger. Lead length was between 30 and 50’. We got a 53”er off a downrigger on the St Lawrence near Lake Ontario years back. It was a longer lead. Here is a link to Bob Walter’s website. He has a bunch of experience running downriggers for muskies and runs an underwater camera. I don’t know that he specifies lead length, but the baits must be pretty close to the camera and ball. https://stlawrencemuskiefishing.com/muskie-videos/ Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  20. Nice! Congrats Vance. Congrats Zach. You make baits that produce for sure, and Vance certainly puts the time in to get them for his clients. Bakers catch a bunch of fish for us too. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. This was just a general question. I’m not referencing any specific example. For some reason, I was under the impression that your tourneys were individual winner format. Chapter tourneys are supposed to be about getting everybody together to fish and have fun, but any time money is involved, it can change some people. Allowing non-members to fish is also a consideration and can make for a difficult decision. I’ve been involved in a MI Chapter for 20 plus years and held several different positions including secretary, vice president, and president. I’ve also organized a big muskie expo. My dad and I used to fish a bunch of tournaments put on by different chapters. In my opinion, team is the best format. Individual format leaves too much opportunity for dishonesty when trolling. Most boats muskie fishing work as a team to maximize chances anyway. I’ll leave it at that. I’ve learned and seen that there is usually an opportunity for some type of controversy or hard feelings in tournaments. This is the main reason I personally choose not to fish tournaments anymore. I still like the idea of tournaments and think it’s important for chapters to have them for a number of reasons. They just aren’t for me anymore. Best of luck to you and your chapter’s tournaments. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. Are your chapter’s tourneys team/boat or individual winner format? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Thank you. Not at all...51” Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. We were not in the tourney, but had a great day trolling. Got our best chq fish of the season. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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