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Everything posted by cosscandace

  1. I wold take two convectors if u will ship also do u take paypal
  2. 42 spoons various makes and sizes 50$ shipped 25 j plugs 30$ shipped (sold) Lowrnce head unit works clear pic comes with power cords no puck 50$ shipped (sold)
  3. I will take the convector do u take pay pal
  4. Looking for reels and pulleys or single masts
  5. Do you except pay pal I will take them
  6. What are the measurements I'm interested do you except pay pal
  7. pm sent call me 845 985 2390 my name is shawn
  8. would like 2 13 pound torpedo weights do you except pay pal
  9. does it run and can you demo I will be in Oswego on sunday let me know my name is shawn 845 985 2390
  10. do you still have shelter if so call 1 845 586 2465 name is shawn
  11. i am interested in the river gear, i would really like to talk to you about it. i live 45 min from Kingston please call me at 845 586 2465 my name is shawn. any time
  12. I would like to talk to you about the fish hawk. i will pay $250 for it. Please give me a call at (845)586-2465 home o cell at (845)901-6318 my name is Shawn. any time please
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