How deep are you fishing? Do your reels have line counters? How fast are you going? Are you running Mono, braid, or Wire? There's fish everywhere this year, it comes down to adjusting your speed and the depth your lures are at. Sometimes they just don't like the colors you have out. A number 1 diver on a 2 setting out 225-250 feet has done well for me recently.
did not see the kayak out there lol, that guy has some balls. Same story with us, little bait, lots of marks. Two face spoon did most of the work for us.
It was a zoo out there. Stop counting boats at 80. Fishing was good, I actually caught a salmon that had two spoons, and a spinny attached to it. My guess is two boats got tangled up and it broke loose. None of the lures in the picture are mine lol.
This is ridiculous, their alternative is to let corporations **** up federal lands to make up the money. I’m perfect fine paying that tax. One of the few government programs that works well enough to keep going
It depends on where you are in the lake and which direction you’re trolling. There are typically currents but they maybe not be as severe or more severe. On the west end by the Niagara river I’ve encountered currents that effect the speed by up to 3MPH. It can vary by depth of lure as well, no current 50 feet down, 2 MPH 80 feet down.
Most of the fish I marked were within 20 feet of bottom with the occasional one suspended. Threw big spin docs, j plugs, bright spoons at them, just could get them to go. I’ll be out again tomorrow and if it’s the same as yesterday I’ll be headed out deeper. Thanks guys. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Heat was terrible today. The coldest water I found was 48 down 95 over 110. Lots of marks and bait but couldn’t get them to hit. Pulled in a few early but nothing great. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
For me it depends on time of year. I feel like the bite is spoon heavy May - June then turns to flashers. Late August - September is back to big spoons and spin doctors.
I used to go to a place in Wilson called "Down on Main Street" that opened at 4, but its been replaced by "Fat Papas Diner" that opens at 6. I wish I could still get an amazing breakfast at 4 am. Maybe next time im in Fat Papas ill suggest they open early on weekends during fishing season. I bet we could fill the place.
Trying to help a friend sell his outboard, below is what he texted me. Located in Clarence NY.
1976 Mercury Black Max 175 hp. Motor completely rebuilt. New lower unit, new starter, new power pack, fuel pump and fully tuned. I bought a boat with this motor on it and after putting in all the work on the motor I found that it was 50 hp over my maximum capacity. $2400 or best offer.
If interested send me a pm and ill foreword it to him.
Lowrance Elite-4 Fish Finder and Chart plotter. Screen only no transducer included. Would be a good bow mount unit. Product is discontinued but Lowrance sells the transducer for $60.
$40 Shipped $30 Local
Running the bar at night with riggers or dipsys sounds like a bad idea to me. Could probably do Olcott or Wilson but you're better off trying early morning or late evening. Not many guys fish for salmon at night until they start running up the streams.
Its from the bridge closest to the mouth upstream to an impassable barrier. Irondequoit creek restrictions would probably be from the 404/Empire blvd bridge upstream for the no treble hook on sinking lures.
Had two buddies up for the LOC Derby last weekend.
8/21 Afternoon
Left the launch at 4 pm and headed to 90 FOW. We were surprised to find the water was 72 degrees down 68 feet and stayed that way until we hit 200 FOW. Once we hit 200 FOW we pulled in a small salmon down 90 with a NBK mag spoon. Had a hit on the 75 rigger that turned out to be an Atlantic on a monkey puke mag. Shortly after we had another hit on the 75 rigger that pulled a bunch of line out then got off.
8/22 Morning
Since the temps weren't right out of Wilson we went to Fort Niagara. Left the launch at 6:15 and headed to the drop off. Set lines in 150 FOW and trolled NNE. Had a our first fish in 170 FOW, small laker on a wire dipsy set to a 3 at 185 feet pulling a green jeans mag spoon. Our next hit came at 264 FOW on a meat rig wire dipsy out 181 feet and ended up being 22 pounds. We trolled out to 350 FOW then pulled lines to try shallow again. Marked a ton of fish between 100 and 125 FOW but only pulled out a few small kings.
8/22 Afternoon
We launched at Wilson for the afternoon bite and found the down temps to be much more favorable. 48 degrees down 65 over 110 FOW. We pulled in a few small kings and some lake trout. The 270 dipsy on a 3 pulling most in. I,at least, had a game plan for the next day.
8/23 Morning
Launched out of Wilson at 5:45. Headed out to 75 FOW and were set up by 6:10. Had our first hit at 6:40 but dropped it. At 6:55 we pulled in a small king on a dipsy out 155 on a 3 pulling a green jeans spoon. At 7:15 we pulled up a laker on the same set up. At 8:00 we had the 40 rigger pop and after tangling with a few dipsy rods we put a 20 pound king in the boat that hit a dirty white boy mag spoon. We turned North and hit 200 FOW pulling in some small kings. Headed back into 80 FOW around 11:00 and had the 75 rigger pop. Got a 10 pound brown on NBK mag spoon.
Best set ups of the weekend were;
240 - 270 dipsy on a 3 with any mag spoon
75 rigger with a mag spoon
150 - 180 dipsy on a 3 with a spin doctor and meat rig.
Spoons with some kind of white tape worked well.