Well, we caught nothing, by 730, when we were dropping the boat into the water another boat was being pulled out. They had two salmons. Two other boats were leaving because they said it was too choppy and windy.
We trolled untill noon. I changed spoons three times, third time i added a flasher, but i put it right at the ball, not knowing where it goes. Sooner after i found out that my gps was showing speed in nautical miles;) and we did about 3.5 throughout the whole time. Right after i changed it to about 1.5m my weight (8lb) showed up on the screen. )))
Yeahh, i learned a lot today
Oh and i noticed that my spoons were like 60-70% of the size of the spoons that a gentelman who caught few fish used. Heh, any more tips;)?
What is a spin doctor?
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