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Everything posted by fathobbit0074

  1. My sonar works just fine. It's others I wonder about I got hum 998hdsi and a ray a50 Ya seatalk mg. I got a vhf ray 49 that's nmea And rest is seatalk mg. I got a evu 200 sport pilot And they sent me completely wrong manual and install instructions. Go figure
  2. I have no problem. When trolling to see every little thing my balls are doing when I speed up they swing out and rise when I slow they drop. When I set them on bottom and drag I can see that too. All under power. When I turn some rise a little some drop a little. All this is visible On my soNar While my balls are not directly under the boat. If what your saying is true. Then there would be no rise at On the ball when I speed up. If your theory is correct then the cannon digitroll Setup would be a compete fraud Because their bottom tracking rigged to a humming bird ff would not be acurate as they claim I personally don't Havd one. But I know a couple people that swear by them. You are definatly a well informed person but you are still wrong. I have been waiting on the phone to raymarine. For an hour If I ever get thru I'll ask them what they think. I'm actually calling them cause I am in the process of rigging up my new evolution autopilot and trying to network it to everything else on boat If I'm wrong I'll admit it. But I'm not
  3. I run 15lb torps. My blowback is very minimal And u have no doubt that my sonar is dead on
  4. Actually sonar doesn't meSure in a straight line it is a cone in the water with the thinnest part at top going down to larger base I do to know what kind of electronics you run but I can watch my ball swing back and rise on my raymarine.
  5. . I have no idea where you came up with that. You are entirely wrong The best way to check the accuracy of your ball counter is on your sonar It is the wAy most people due it. There is no truth to your theory I have polled a bunch of capts I know and they all do the same thing I do. Maybe you have it mixed up The counter on your rigger Lies because of blowback. but your sonar Give acurate info I thought maybe I and all my fellow fisherman i know were wrong So I googled it just to be sure. And your the only one I could find saying that
  6. I paid 900 for a slip at sandy pond last year Lighthouse wAnted 2k Wrights is a deal if you factor gas saved running out
  7. Waiting for the pic.
  8. Chamberlins. I used to run blacks have Scotty's also. But Chamberlins are best
  9. I run Berkeley big game. I get the cheap spools 1200 yds 9$. I run 12lb then micro swivel to 6'of 10 lb floro This is about as cheap as you can get without sacrificing quality. By placing swivel up the line and only having snap at lure It Gives it a little more action cause less resistance at lure
  10. Just got my autopilot. Have yet to install
  11. I'll hook up with you. Finding good people to fish with is hard. Especially people who can waterwork back of boat. I'm not working so I can do weekdays. Had Place to myself today. Couple of perch guys Out. Tough. Fishing. Manage a few But worked real hard for them
  12. Thinking of moving to wrights from sandy pond Anyone have any Imput on how it is overthere ? Want to be closer to deep wAter
  13. I just got 4 ugly stick 7' light forbrowns
  14. If allelse fails. Call him. Bob is a great guy and very personable He would be happy to take your order if you know what u want
  15. The trick to towing isn't finding a truck with a big enough engine to pull it. It's making sure the truck you tow with has enough weight to stop it
  16. Ordered mine today. From anchor express they told me the 7 th
  17. In the one pic you can see how rib has seperated from hill. Magic marker between rib and hull The motor had less than 200 hrs when I pulled it apart O
  18. Don't ever buy a tracker. They are garbage. I have an 07 pro guide walkthru with a 90 hp opti Ax I developed stress cracks in my hull due to substandard welds. The Backwelds on the ribs of the framework pulled off and my essentially brand new boat had many leaks. Calls to tracker got me know where I had to pull. Both decks front and back. Console. Remove all the livewells and the plumbing Cut out all the foam and locate numerous cracks And get a welder to fix. Close to 1k Just in welds After inspecting. All the ribs on the boat. I had to have welder re weld some of the other ribs cause welds were starting to fail. Then I had tk put everything back together. I should have. Done some research before I bought. There are plenty of other trackers out there like mine If is a very common problem with them. They use thinner alum than other manufacturers and have some of the worst welders I have ever seen They stopped making the tundra because so many people were having same issues as me. I am not trying to be a hater But it's the truth Trackers are garbage. They have serious issues and while someone may say they are great. They Are in the minority If you don't believe me. Do the research. I know what I'm talking about. I still have my tracker I d be glad to show you if your interested.
  19. What's height on boat on trailer with soft top down
  20. fathobbit0074

    Sold / Closed 1997 Thompson 240HT

    Do u know height of boat on trailer ? Just wondering if it fits in my barn
  21. Do you know what height of boat on trailer is? I have a barn for winter storage an was wondering if it fits.
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