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Charlie P

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Everything posted by Charlie P

  1. Hit the water at 6 am. Set up in foot of water ? Well I don't know because our fish finder wasn't working. Figured it out and we were in about 220 riggers at 100 ,90 80 Chinook diver at 200 with a green fireworks paddle and aqua fly. The fireworks took our first 3 fish. Gold 12 inch fish paddle at 175 with a shenster took the next 2. We hit 260 and had an 8 fish flurry. Standard carbon 14 deep rigger, hulk, songins green splatter mag and the dipseys all were firing. We ended up 16 for 22. All the fish in the box were over 20. Let everything else go to fight another day.
  2. Anyone know it's name!
  3. To say the lake is on fire is an understatement. Fishing out of oak orchard from 100 - 280 the last week and it's been incredible. We've been running standard and stinger size spoons. Carbon 14 hasn't left our deep rigger,hulk white two face rod father and a few others have been hot. The guy I fished with yesterday put a j plug down Wednesday and caught fish on it . Riggers from 30 - 90 at various depths have all produced depending on the day. Ran a bad toad on a dipsey yesterday and a white and green paddle with matching Twinkies and meat at 175 on a 3 setting Chinook diver took consistent fish. Every day we fished we have boated over 20 kings.
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  4. I was thinking pro king too
  5. He has been located.
  6. More information
  7. Missing persons report any information contact Oswego police department.
  8. Fish doctor right by the launch.
  9. Thanks Had a spinal stimulator put in, and then last winter was having a lot of issues had imaging done and l4- l5 was gone but I fused myself. Doctor was impressed how much bone I grew lol. Son is doing most of the setting of equipment. Got to get this guy out soon.
  10. Got out Thursday afternoon with my son first trip on his boat. Meat bite down 90 off the rigger 2 fish 20 and 21.2 lbs. 1 6lb coho. Friday he dropped his son off at daycare and we got out on the water around 8. Caught fish 120 feet out to 280. Riggers 35,45,55 and occasionally 25 feet. Mixed bag of kings steelhead and a coho. 9 for 12. Saturday fog,fog fog. Went east and poked around from 80 out to 250. It was grind for us early bite and then slowed significantly for us. Sunday setup in 120 and went north 9 fish by 8:15 huge steelhead off a 10 color with a glow mag ,smaller kings 2 matures.
  11. Golden boy with a blister rig has been out producing it in high sun. Did pretty good on a green songin paddle with a bam. Last trip it was a Michigan Stinger green jeans paddle and a bam. Took a bunch of matures.
  12. Quick trip to the oak Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday. Fished 27.5 -32 line. Thought we had it dialed in Tuesday afternoon found an area 28.5 line where we were moving rods with a couple doubles and consistent bite. Wednesday one bite in 3 hours in the same area, decided to pull and move deep and got back into them at 32 line.. Thanks for the heads-up Andy Krall Raspberry carbon 14 was firing consistently until this 20 lber totally blew it up. Currents and temps were moving around a lot.
  13. Not exact but close current etc will effect depth.
  14. Great 👍. Took a buddy couple years ago for his second time ever. We tripled he says what are we going to do? Loosened the drag a little, who ever gets there fish in first grabs that rod. After three days he says, now I get your addiction
  15. 4:53 in the video.
  16. Contact Richard Hajecki at krenzer marine, he can definitely help you out.
  17. Most likely just uv. What company? Moonshine calls their spoons rv but it's basically uv.
  18. Sounds like they want to give you a one time payment, and then people can access water front on your property. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-announces-new-pilot-program-improve-public-access-along-western-new-yorks-lake
  19. Sounds like they want to give you a one time payment, and then people can access water front on your property.
  20. Spro, Torpedo
  21. I use one of these.
  22. I use one of these.
  23. We use 10.5 and 9.5 rod lengths. 3 and 1 settings. Tried to find a picture of how far apart the rods are but didn't have one and the boats 2.5 hours away, maybe a foot separation 22 ft islander. Another video https://fb.watch/aqUL9IU4jn/
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