Put the boat in for awhile getting ready to fish with the big boys in the WHI. Left the house at 4 am was out front of Wilson in 50 ft of water and caught laker upon laker until the boat was covered in slime and all my freshly tied flouro leaders were tarnished. I know I'm supposed to enjoy catching those things but I don't. So we headed out deeper and to west and for the rest of the day did four coho and a small king. Mix of short cores with super slims and braid dipsey with spoons. Seen some really good streaks on the graph shot up from the bottom in 150ft of water right into our spread but nothing. We lost probably atleast five what I assumed were coho on short cores they were a pain to keep buttoned up. Coho wanted it down 20 to 30 ft and not directly below surface. Coho were nice 20 inch or so fish. We did loose what I suspect was a king on a six color, it hit same time as the small king and ripped sone line for about 50 yards and then gone. Today's score for the WHI would of been a 48ish; Ok maybe more like 36ish one of those coho's was a little smaller.
Hopefully the wind blows light in the upcoming weeks so I can use my sick time.