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Posts posted by RD9

  1. If you know what to look for, you can see there spread and pick up some info. The long leads and hand lining of the fish is something I have never tried. The long leader on the dipsey rods intrigues me and yes the fish are smaller but the technique is still unique and they must believe in it because they mostly all do it. I mean some of there dipsey leads are longer or similar to leads i run off riggers. Why the standard dipsey and not a slide diver in some situations? I have heard a lot from reading about the importance of a properly presented spread, but the long leads on the dipsey in my opinion supports more of a stealth approach. I would love some feed back on the long lead on the dipsey.

  2. What does a charter boat pay for insurance a year? I do roughly 20 trips a year friends, friends of friends and local people. I never take a dime, but I have collected several thirty packs, various pig parts and a 10 dollar gift card from my cousin whom wants to go out twice next year and take his buddies once and his wife dad and brother inlaw.

    Don't get me wrong I enjoy watching and teaching more then I actually enjoy catching them myself. I guess at some point the challenge in my brain became how many can we catch with people who don't know anything. We Erie walleye fish and are also on Lake Ontario a week in spring a week in the fall.

  3. Can't go wrong going out of Dunkirk. Mixed bag of Trout also most days. Times Two and if he's booked he can point you in right direction. I've met most of Charters out of Dunkirk and Sunset most are real good guys and the fishing is only getting better.

    Fishing east of Center rd is basically like going squirrel hunting during deer season anyways LOL.

  4. Yep. Reef runners, bagley and deep running cranks work great off lead core especially with the longer leaders. Personally I run more shallow sticks and add rubber band/snap wieghts a few colors above the leader. On Erie we run even ten colors with there or four ounces.

  5. I just purchased a Helix 10 GPS/Sonar. It includes the Contour xd map. I looked through the lakes listed and I did see Lake Ontario included. It has 3000 lakes I would assume Ontario would be included?

    I have been watching tutorials via utube and have a quick question if anyone could answer. While motoring out at what speed will I be able to mark bait pods / fish reliably. What mode would I want the unit in and should I have the chart speed to the highest capabilities.

  6. Does anyone use this in there fish coolers. I make my own ice most of the time but it takes up a lot of room in freezer. Be nice to throw a couple in the bottom of cooler and just re freeze them. Just wondering how they hold up in the summer.

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