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Posts posted by RD9

  1. I have two on the back of my boat and last year we fogged the plugs, drained lower unit and changed the oil. Is there anything else I should be doing? I also would like to know if there is any other recommended services / tune ups and should I replace the impellers it's been two years and I would say in that time Shane each has run about 125 hrs yearly.

    Any other suggestions would be appreciated as far as preventative maintince and winter storage. This is my second year in water with boat and all has gone fairly well.

  2. I just think the idea of trolling a large 8 to 10 inch bait mixed in with a handful of 4 and 5 inch baits might just be the bait that the big one takes especially in a school of eyes. We run a pretty large spread of lead cores off in lines usually three per a side. Heard of guys in OH running big baits slow before ice in and after ice out. I am sure same applies on Quinte in the fall mostly husky jerks.

    Any suggestions on baits would help. Thanks in advance.

  3. I love fishing Erie Walleye and the tournaments and one thing I regret not doing and told myself I would do this year is run a couple 8 to 10 inch baits on lead core for large eyes. In my experience there is no rhyme or reason to what or when a true big Erie eye will eat. Last year the biggest eye we caught had a silver bass that was 6 to 7 inches long in its belly. This year our biggest eyes came off a variety of the normal Erie trolling baits. Our biggest this year was off a wd spoon which has been our best for big eyes. Talking to a buddy whom works for the Dec he said during fall netting the eyes are full of extra large shad.

    Just looking for opinions from some Musky guys on accidental catches of walleyes and if bigger baits really mean bigger fish.

  4. I love fishing Erie Walleye and the tournaments and one thing I regret not doing and told myself I would do this year is run a couple 8 to 10 inch baits on lead core for large eyes. In my experience there is no rhyme or reason to what or when a true big Erie eye will eat. Last year the biggest eye we caught had a silver bass that was 6 to 7 inches long in its belly. This year our biggest eyes came off a variety of the normal Erie trolling baits. Our biggest this year was off a wd spoon which has been our best for big eyes. Talking to a buddy whom works for the Dec he said during fall netting the eyes are full of extra large shad.

    Just looking for opinions from some Musky guys on accidental catches of walleyes and if bigger baits really mean bigger fish.

  5. Dunkirk off Van Buren between 88 and a 100ft. Deeper was a little more promising as far as marks caught 1 stealhead one laker 4 eyes in about 3.5 hrs. Dipsey 160 back black and purple harness. Also believe we got one on a eight and took a good whack on a ten color. We did drop a few.

  6. There is two tournaments sponsored by Rob Ray. 2nd Saturday in July and third Saturday in August. As of last tournament there is no waiting list.

    The Sunset bay shootout is held around the third Saturday in July. It is a one day tourney and has been full but I believe they are expanding to 70 or 75 boats. It is great event and well put together. I think first place took home 15k plus cash with Calcuttas.

    The Dunkirk Con Club has a three day tourney the first week of August. There is a waiting list and has a 125 boats in it.

  7. I have dabbled in painting my own lures and am a complete novice. I am a walleye fisherman whom spends lots of time out of Dunkirk. I tie my own worm harnesses and have become fairly competent. Please point my in the right direction on what to buy and any books/videos that I might need to look at. I seen that some on this forum do great work and I want to learn and am willing to invest the money in top of the line equipment.

    Thanks in advance.


  8. If you want walleyes drive to Erie. It keeps getting better and lots of steelies, Browns and lakers. Laker fishing is crazy good. My family and friends come up 3 times a year to Lake Ontario and for one reason only. Kings. Nothing better then feeling one screaming a reel. We were in Olcott last weekend one major in 20 hrs plus of fishing, but did do a bunch of two year olds out deep.

  9. We did 50 plus this weekend. The one thing I learned from the salmon guys is how important temp is. We had 70 degrees 70 ft down, so out came the wire divers which we really haven't been using that much. This year our team did good we finished 8 th in the rob Ray tourney, 11th in the sunset shoot out, 3rd in the con club on day three and 3rd yesterday. We fished mainly straight out of Dunkirk in every tourney. Stealth core has made me a believer and leader down as light as you feel comfortable with. We run a lot of rynowskys on cores and wd's off riggers, but yesterday a worm about 80 down was hot.

  10. It was a four fish tourney. We were consistent. Winners had a little over 60lbs. Get it wet got 2nd and another Canadian boat got 1st (apologize for forgetting name the were nice guys) We fished in front of Dunkirk 110 ft. The fish were way down wire divers on 1.5 210ft back were best. 10 color with three ounces also produced and braid divers 235 back on 3. We ran two divers per side wire on the inside braid on the outside. We ran two riggers down 70 plus. Two ten colors on the boards with three ounces and a 300 copper down the shoot. Fire tiger rynowskys and black and purple worms were best.

    We are boat Dances with Fish and my name is Ron. I learned a ton of info from this page from the salmon guys that have made us more successful walleye fisherman. We also caught 12 lakers 6 rainbows and a brown during tourney.

    Thanks Guys.

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