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Everything posted by RD9

  1. RD9

    Lake Erie Perch

    Fished straight out off Dunkirk 54 ft of water. Me and my four yr old son. 40 no throw backs probably 10 right around a pound. This past month and a half has been great out of Dunkirk.
  2. How do you get invited. I would be possibly interested. Fish walleye tournaments on erie and the spring loc this year. I would be a rookie.
  3. RD9

    Sold / Closed 1999 Penn Yan Sea tracker

    I am interested I should be up in that area for work in a week. Ill give you a call to see if we can set something up. Boat looks good.
  4. I have a 21 ft 1998 Wellcraft fishing boat I am interested in selling. The boat has 2 yr old big Jon dual pole holders and 2 electric downrigger that i only used for 1 full season. Also has big Jon planer board mast and hand made redwood boards. I also purchased a full in closed canvas and front cover new this spring. It has a new lowrance mark 5 fish finder and a seperate GPS/fish finder also. The boat has a live well and two in floor fish boxes. The motor has all new electrical components as of 2011. Boat runs great and also is very clean. The motor is a v6 Johnson 150. I would include lots of fishing gear all geared towards walleye/salmon fishing. Poles, lures, dipseys and such. Asking $13500 all set up. Call 716-338-3937
  5. RD9

    Sold / Closed 1999 Penn Yan Sea tracker

    Still for sale? Interested. Do you have pics of the electronics? How is the floor? Ron
  6. I switched to braid and love it. Do mostly erie walleye and caught more fish with riggers this year then years past. One thing I like is if you loose a ball which I did I just tie on another swivel and I am ready to go. It's just so much easier to handle. As far as walleye I would prefer as least resistance/ turbulence in the water as possible.
  7. I got to figure out how to post pics. I would be happy with 11k. It's clean and is set up good with good equipment.
  8. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Well went out of dunkirk yesterday afternoon in a east chop with my buddy and my four year old son who loves being out there. Straight out to 90 ft and still had good marks 50 to 60 down. Dipsey on three with a harness takes a hit and after a bit we have what is a 9 or 10 pounder right next to the boat which falls off and lays lifeless on the surface. We motor back around and sure enough it goes under just before we arrive. We then dropped two more eyes behind the boat curtisouy of my four year old and a dipsey rod, but I could care less we have caught enough this year. The next pole to go is the rigger 50 ft down with a watermelon harness and we land a six lb female steelhead. We put that back down ten minutes later another steelhead and we lost it breaking off the back hook of a harness I probably haven't token off in three months. Ended up with one nice eye and a steelhead. There are still active fish out there ready to bite, the weather has made it tough. I believe we would of ended up with three maybe four if we didn't let a preschooler handle most of the rod duties. By the looks of my graph I believe if you went out of dunkirk and targeted trout you could catch a bunch in 85 to 90 ft. Lots of streaks flying up from the bottom not wanting to eat a worm @ 1.8 mph.
  9. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Went out of Dunkirk Sat at two out to 110 ft of water had good marks from 85 ft on out. Could not get them to bite. Only ended up with one eye. One of the charters had four in a few hours in the same area. I must have not had the right setup for there likings. He said he caught three on the same 10 color. The fish are still there, we also marked a lot in 65 ft on the way in but the silvers make me frustrated. I did almost land a sheepshead down 85 ft over a 110ft on a reynowsky of the rigger. It took drag like a trout and had to be eight to ten pounds. Earlier in the year during the One of the tournaments I caught a sheepshead weighing 10.6 lbs which lead to immediate frustration and then laughter because we all thought we had a massive eye.
  10. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    No cottages that I know of but plenty of hotel/motel.
  11. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Went out of Dunkirk yesterday afternoon with two friends fishing was as good as it been all year. In three hours we boated 8 walleye and 1 steelhead. The walleyes were big four around the eight pound mark. The steelhead was 10.47. The walleye came of 10 colors of lead and dipsey set on three 210 back with watermelon single blade harnesses. Off the lead a white ranowski was the best. We were straight out in a 100 to 110 ft fish were down around the 60ft mark. We marked the most fish we have all year. Last year we fished NW of the Catt until October first and caught fish until we couldn't get out any more. Early September has always been my favorite time of year and there was only two other boats we could see. If I can figure it out I will post a picture of the graph around 6 pm.
  12. I am going to be selling my 1998 well craft 21 ft fishing boat with a 150 hp Johnson out board. One of my friends is interested in it who just got back from the marines and I want to sell it to him at a fair price. If it falls through I will re post it. The boat is in great shap. Live well, 2 fish boxes with pump, 2 year old big Jon electric riggers, big Jon planer mast and dual rod holders on ea side. I just replaced all the electrical components in motor which costed $1600. Never been in salt water and having ther kids I spend more time cleaning it then fishin. I also just got the bini top side, front and back curtains along with a front cover. Boat is fully enclosed in front when weather is foul. That was done this spring costing me roughly $750. What do you think it's worth?
  13. Please explain this technique and how and why it works? Thanks for the help
  14. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    How far north off center rd? We were doing really well about 2 to 3 miles from the boarder that way a few weeks ago, but its been a steady bite Just out of Dunkirk in 85 ft so we haven't ventured out to far. The fish we have been graphing have been in small pockets spread out. No real big school and no set pattern besides getting your lure below 60 ft. It hasn't mattered wether its a stick bait/chatter stick or harness they have all been catching fish.
  15. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Went out Tuesday afternoon pretty slow only got 3 after work. Went east out of dunkirk caught the fish in 75 ft of water 65 to 70 down. Went back out this morning started Nw of harbor in 100 ft and didn't get any until we got back into 75 to 85 ft and they were 60 down and below. Caught 3 on ten color 2 on dipsey and five off the riggers roughly 70 ft down. Watermelon harness took fish off riggers. Reynowsky off 10 color that goofy green and white on with pink spots has been hot all year for us. Ended the day with 10 in five hrs. Caught about every size under eight pounds.
  16. Thanks for the input. Basically I am catching most walleye 80 ft down right now and only can get most on dipsey and riggers and when we salmon fish I would like to run two riggers, 2 coppers, 2 dipsey's. My standard walleye setup from July on is 4 dipsey 2 10 color and and two down riggers. I want to fish 80 ft deep. I think I might consider two 45lb 400 coppers?
  17. Fish erie and ontario. I am going to buy two copper setups. I fish ontario in may and late August, erie for walleye the rest of the year. I want two copper setups to run. I think I am going to get 2 300 coppers. Any suggestions on rod and reels? Sick of running 4 oz of wieght on a ten color.
  18. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    That's right on everything we boated this weekend is under 60ft over 85 ft plus
  19. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Got 8 yesterday all little one seven lbs biggest. got a ton today 23 all together wieghed in 23.3 lbs for best three had 8 over 6lb. Fishing is wonderful out of dunkirk.
  20. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Yea got them yesterday afternoon. Went NE. Fish were hugging the bottom completely different then last time I was out. Big dipsey's 220 back with fireline when we turned bounced bottom. We tripled twice with four poles out. Worms or sticks it didn't matter. Fire tiger reynowsky was the best fish. Caught four that were 18inches and only one silver bass.
  21. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Got 9 in the boat didn't leave dock till four only had one other guy . Big dipsey's 80 ft down over 80 ft. It's rough tripled twice lost a bunch. Ten colors also got hit knot in the water.
  22. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    That's a big one. Gonna try in morning if it calms down. Gonna make a day of it. Haven't been out since last Monday. Fishing in con club tourney this coming weekend. How did you end up overall at sunset with total wieght of six.
  23. RD9

    Dunkirk NY Report

    Fish out of dunkirk often and figured I would give a report and hope to see if any others out there would like to share a report from dunkir/Barcelona. Went out July 13th and 14th west of dunkirk trolling north and south 65 to 90 ft got 7 on the 13th and 11 eyes on the 14th. Fishing was tough. Fish came in the top 30ft or below 55ft on 10 color. We went out again yesterday north to 80ft and found several good pockets and boated 3 in a hr in a half. Lake proceeded to get rough out of th NE and we came in at 6pm. No ryme or reason 1 eye off a little dipsey's down 25ft. One off a five color and one of a ten color. The fish are scattered through out the water column. I have also am almost completely giving up on worms not because the don't work but because the silver bass are horrible. Ranowski sticks have caught 75 percent of the fish and all the big ones. We have also caught a large amount of 18 to 21 inch fish that impressively push 4lbs.
  24. Not since I bought it three years ago. Is the reason it only over heats when it is in gear is because its under load. Pretty happy it's most likely a impeller. Replaced all electrical components one year after I bought it, that got expensive fast.
  25. Just took boat out have been out several times this year. Motor ran fin until I got above 2 rpm and then water pressure gage came on, mortor got too hot. Trolled four hours no problem. Went in got over teo rpm and pressure water gage drops. Got in clean intakes and reved engine up to four rpm and pressure was good. Any ideas? Thanks guys in advance.
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