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Posts posted by RD9

  1. Thanks for the reply. We have been running the same spread concept using jets on the board for walleye. Have thought about setting up rods with with lead in five, seven and ten colors. Maybe even three for early season for both walleye an salmon. The lead set ups just catch more fish especially when the bite is tough. You agree and what is the reason? Depth should all be the same with jet/dipsey's off the boards as with leadcore.

  2. We fish out of Olcott several weekends a year and went up last year twice In April. Caught plenty of Kings both times. Around the 20 th of April we struggled in the morning and then proceeded to catch 9 kings on small dipsey's targeting twenty feet down, over 80 ft. I know last April was uncommonly warm, but in late April to early May Is it common to find them that high in the water column. When they are up in the top 35 what system do you prefer to target these fish. When this occurs on Erie in June we run 4 jets off the boads, two small dipsey's off the sides and two riggers or lead straight back (total of eight

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