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Everything posted by hunter59

  1. hey bambam27 I see kings down there all the time, just got 8 of them yesterday and 12 more today on my rigger-mortis luminescent, super uv, atomic powered fly just to name one. if u need laker lessons let me know !
  2. No kings yet, but I will try again this weekend ,
  3. Port Dalhousie is full of lakers just like last year, I got 5 yesterday , 3 were were hogs, just off bottom on riggers, gold matrix spoons in 70 ft water between port Dalhousie and port Weller.
  4. Okay mighty hunter I am out of port Dalhousie with my little 21 ft wellcraft on good days! This year fishing has been not like the usual last year, many salmomn and lots of rainbow but this year is very different in that all I really got was some lake trout .The salmon fishery disappeared!!!!!!!
  5. I was straight out of port Dalhousie on the weekend in 100-120 ft water AND IT WAS A GREAT DAY! We finally got a nice 10 lbs salmon and missed another giant that cut off my line! Also got a 15 lbs lake trout on the same meat rig, many hits and many misses on the BIG DIPSEY DIVERS , I also had rainbow hitting my watermelon Stingray spoon and divers were set shallow to 40-50 depth as the water was last week at 30 ft in the 5 celcius range which was probably feezing the fish!!!!!!!!!!!! FISH-ONNNNNNNNNNNNN
  6. Sorry to hear that but i can tell u that there are alot of great guys out there on the big lake that gave me room when i was hooked up with a king when my boat is going around in circles trying to get that big king in the boat when my spool is getting emptied.But mind u, my lines are tight, 10 and 20 foot off the riggers and 20 foot depth difference so i can almost turn on a dime with no tangles. But anyway "KARMA" is a ****, so the ****-disturber will pay his!
  7. Sorry to hear that but most guys out there pretty cool. I
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