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  • Gender
  • Location
    Erie, PA
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Decoys
  • Home Port
    WCAA, Fairview, PA
  • Boat Name
    The Right Stuff

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  1. You sure can make a mess some days just walking around he boat...south wind usually brings humidity and flies.
  2. Over 2000 varieties of black flies and they all bite! Frank Forester (writer) says that he has never fished for the red fleshed trout of Hamilton County (Adirondaks) because of the scourge of the black fly which is especilly venomous to him. Most of North America is plagued by these monsters. The larva live in swift highly oxegenated waters.
  3. Never caught a whitefish in lake Erie...but caught plenty in Lake Simcoe in May; before the season opened. They were large 24" or more. We were perch fishing at the time. This occurred at Pefferlaws. Cheers, Docwet Everything has limitations...and I hate limitations.
  4. Permethrins (Livestock insecticide) 2/3 oz. to 1 Gal H20...
  5. You will find out that trolling a staight line results in less fish caught...I know from experience. The boat that cannot troll a straight line always catches more fish. Rgards, Doc W.
  6. Evinrude out of the outboard engine business for good in 6/ 2020. 


































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  7. Made this vise 45 years ago from SS key stock...and am still using it. No welding, Simple hand tools, ball pein hammer, drill press, files, buffer. Cheers, Docwet .
  8. We used to go to Ontario to fish for the big salmon and trout.

    In August and September with the zephyrs so balmy and light,

    We'd do the Lake Ontario shuffle by day and sometimes by night.

    3 to 4 ft waves with a wind chop on top was a typical day's ramble.

    Later, dining at the Three Bridges Inn was always a gamble.

    Spending lots to catch a little was our usual days sum.

    Our guide friend Jim would sometimes show us the way.

    At times, we were lucky to find our way back at the end of the day.

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  9. A history of OMC and Johnson is available on U-Tube. A Johnson outboard (150 hp) that needed rebuilt after several hundred hours of running showed the rod journals were .004" undersize. This engine was put back together and traded for an Evinrude of similar size. I never heard of any problems with the Evinrude. Many people of my aquaintance who owned Johnson engines have gotten out of boating completely. Cheers, DocWet , (Everything has limitations...and I hate limitations.)
  10. Isn't this the guy whose wife was calling from the Coast Guard Station to...Please come home sir!
  11. I'm the one who suggested a No. 44 Sutton behind a 3/0 Dodger and connected to a Flyrod loaded with mono. instead of flyline for rainbow trout trolling. Cheers, DocWet
  12. I always save the cheek meat (For me)...give the rest away.
  13. Wrap anything with bacon and we'll eat it...
  14. F**k that **** @ $ 28.00/ lb...who needs it...Use high pressure Car wash & quarters.
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