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Everything posted by Goatboy

  1. Thank you all for your input. I ended up having to return one of my 6ft rods. Tore the spool on it. It was a cheap Canadian tire magnum rod an reel but hey it's my first year and I had to get rods, I didn't have 5 gs to drop on 6 rods and reels. I am going out to get a couple more rods tomorrow to be able to run a full set of 6. I think I'm going to go with log rods 8' 6" to 9 ft for my Dipsys. The reasoning is I have a 22ft Statecraft with 8ft wide beam and lots of room to back up so I would like to get my leaders as long as possible. I will look at eventually getting copper to rig these. I'm thinking of going with a couple of Okuma Convectors as reels. It's time I started investing a little more in my reels. Does anyone have any experience with these Okuma's (I have one, a present from my wife a year ago, she wrapped it up for X-mas and told me it came with a boat!). Anyway it seems to run well Do any of you have a favorite reel that comes in at around 100$
  2. Ok I'm running two dipsy divers And I was wondering I bought two short 6 ft heavy rods to run the dipsys but a buddy says they run better on long rods. I tried them on a long rod but can't seem to get the damn Dipsy to disengage (mono line 30lb) They trip on the short rods when I give them a yank to retrieve them. So witch is better short Rod or Long does it make any difference with presentation ?? Does the length of the rod affect the Dipsy's performance? What do the experts out there think
  3. Where are the fish?? This is my third time out in two weeks and I can't find the fish anymore. I have tried from 74FOW to 150fow with big spoons small spoons and Atomic fly's from 2.0mph to 3.0mph This is my first year but I usual get a nibble or one or two 13 to 15 lbs salmons but I can't seem to catch a break. I have been finding the bait schools and circling them cutting through them !!! Yesterday I even though of dragging my youngest son to see if I might get lucky (he was really pissing me off) Does anyone know where the fish are. It's to early for them to be in the rivers yet and I don't see to many anglers on the peers yet so they should still be in the lake But WHERE!
  4. What length Anchor roller do you guys use... I was thinking a 19 inch... that to long , short?
  5. I got that rope locker in the front as well . it holds about 50feet of 3/8 line. I just bought 100 feet of that 1/4 inch ploy line crap to replace it because 50 ft just wont cut it. Looks like I'm going to go the same route as you. A anchor roller to protect the bow with a locking pin to pin the chain back. Just pop up through the hatch and drop it. I actually fell carrying the anchor around the side. Lost an anchor and 3 ft of chain. was not fun! at all thank god the boat wasn't moving
  6. I was out yesterday and got a 13lbs on a Atomic/ flasher set up in 140ft at 47ft deep. I'm running 30lb test and the damn thing cut my other line when it ran out on me. To catch one with a 8lbs line must be a hell of a good time. ( I salvaged the other flasher and spoon but lost 140 ft of line in the process, I got off easy)
  7. I have the same boat and the same PITA I'm thinking a anchor roller system and a winch but it's damn expensive
  8. GOt it Not to sure about the meat rigs, we are still learning the finer points of catching and landing with just simple spoons Graduated the other day to Stacking a line and running a dipsy. I have logged allot of Walley and Pike fishing up north but this is my first year with my own boat on Lake O so I' going to take it slow and enjoy learning Thanks for all the great help tho and I will definitely try the meat rig at a later date (When I figure out how to rig it properly) lol
  9. I have only logged about 11 hours fishing for Salmon on Lake O so I'm a newbie at this but I have caught every time I go out I work between 150 and 200ft with my riggers set at 47 and 62 ft pulling large spoons about 100ft back in the morning Going out tomorrow afternoon with the kids Should I go deeper when its hotter? I have a temp/speed sensor on my riggers I know the enjoy about 2.0 mph spoon speed but what Temp do they stay in ? Any help would be apreciated
  10. lol Ok that was gross three days later I had to clean the decomp out of the bin. Lesson learned Freeze it fresh and toss it in the drink next time I go fishing The entire neibhoor hood still thinks and every now and then I still double over and retch. How do the CSI guys do it???
  11. Ok My recyling green bin reeks Tell me what do you all do with the SALMON GUTS !! I caught my first two salmon yesterday and I turned them into Fillets but the guts went into my recycle bin and today its covered in fly's and stinks what do you guys do??
  12. Hey guys Anyone outthere have a swivel base for a tournament series Walker Downriger I bent one of my release pins last week (Don't ask) and now my rigger is stuck in one position Steve (Anyone knwo where I can get one around Burlington Ontario)
  13. Thank your John and everyone else trying to teach this old goat some new tricks I have logged approximately 6 hrs of salmon fishing time. Saturday I go back out with my two young boys hoping to finally land something.... Anything! to make the boat worth the cost and aggravation (besides the obvious.... spending time with my sons and getting away from the old anchor .... LOL)
  14. Anyone know when the tall ships are leaving the port of hamilton? My family aNd I would like to go tag along them for a while and see them off
  15. Anyone know when the tall ships are leaving the port of hamilton? My family aNd I would like to go tag along them for a while and see them off
  16. Thanks GUys I will try to keep my Down speed between 2.5 and 3.5 from what i'm reading hear I was going way to slow. I never thought that didferent curence at diferent thermoclines would afect it that much!
  17. What speed and temp are we looking for? I'm trying 54F at 2.5MPH
  18. So my GPS says I'm going 2.5 mph but my riger says I,m going 1.2 mph @ 50 FOW is this common. And what speed do I need to go to catch some salmmon
  19. OK SO i'm thinking of getting a kicker to troll with but I have a few questions for those of you who have been doing this for a long time. what size? I have a 22ft Starcraft Islander (big boat but light) I was thinking 6hp 4 stroke. How long ? Short shaft or long shaft How do I steer? Do I just lock the thing in place and steer with the alpha drive ?? IF its a tiller (which most of them are) How do I operate the throttle, do I just lock that in place as well? So many questions Thanks
  20. SWEET! Very nice ride
  21. Update!! Well I found a cracked Head on the port side - 385.00 all new gaskets - 250.00 New plugs - 25.oo two oil and filter changes = 60.00 An expensive lesson to learn and i'm not done. I put here back in yesterday and I hit 31mph at 3500 rpm But the oil presure is high. 60psi at idle 75 to 80 at 3500 rpm Droped a can of seaform in the oil to help clean out any crude in the oil passages ????? I don't know..... I hope I don't have to yank the engine to change the oil pump for a stuck relief valve. I might change the Oil to a lighter one say 10W40 or 5W20??? anybody else have the same engine ?? Whats your oil PSI running at?
  22. Hi All Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a copy of the Mercruiser service manual #7. I need it to rebuild my 1989 4.3L V6 (262) I looked on the net and found a bunch of dead links. If you have a electronic copy I would sure apreciate taking a peek at it. Thanks
  23. HEy all Ok keep in mind it's my first boat And I saved 9 years of bonusses to bye it. I need Help. It would seem I inadvertantly blew out my impelar when I took my boat out of storage this spring (who new you can colapse a garden hose if you bring the RPM up past 1500). Everything was fine at home hooked up to the hose but when I got it in the lake my engine overheated. I pulled it back out and replaced the impelar and thermostat then put it back in .Now I have two wet plugs and chocolate milfk for OIL in my 4.3L V6. My guess is a blown head gasket.... possibly warped head on the right side. Now its not my first Head gasket or engine job... but I normaly work on dry land. So here is my question. If I pull the heads and the hoses off and my boat and it is till in the water, will it sink? I know this is a foolish question but wouldn't you know I can't find the answer on the net. I was about to start when my spider senses start tingling. What is hloding all of the water in the lake? The Impelar? Is there a valve I have to close? IF anyone can stop laughing long enough to answer me it would be greatly aprecated. Thanks
  24. "Try to work 30 - 60 fow. There should be lots of steelhead, maybe lakers at the bottom, and perhaps the kings will show up if the water warms a little more." Soory I'm new to fishing for salmon so your saying 60fow is total depth of water? So if I set my downriggers to say 40ft and 50 ft and fish in about 65 ft of water around Bronte harbour pulling a Couple of NBKs I should hopefully catch a fish and get my wife off my back at the same time? That's if I can get my Islander 221V in the water by thursday after the 300 bucks of repairs I had to put into it for leaning something the "hard way" Man I beter catch something soon it's getting to be a very expensive fishy!!!
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