Here are some pictures of the folding planer board I built with some plans that are on this site. I used the basic dimensions for the wood and then made some changes to make them foldable. The boards are made of ceder, and they are 1" x 8". The metal is from one of those big box stores. The bolts and nuts are stainless and the nuts are the nylon lock type. The bolts are all 1/4"x 1 1/2". Got all the hardware from a wholesale place, way cheaper than the box stores.
Also included a couple of pictures of the parts and pieces before assy.
Now just have to wait for some water to open up to get on.
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Here is a pic of the top half of the planer board mast I fixed up to run. The mast itself was given to me (thanks again). It need a little work, so I installed the aluminum plate to attach the eye bolts to and then the pulleys. I had to modify the pulleys a bit in the sense of adding a spacer between the wheel and the housing to get rid of the gap. So now just have to wait till I can get the boat out. You can also see the boards I'm working on in the background, going to set them up so they're able to be folded flat.
yep I might have to resort to that, but you never know, someone has some lying around even if it is a section off of another boat that I can cut down. and as long as its in decent shape. I found one new section at an auction that just wasn't quite big enough to use a cockpit cover, but was big enough be turned into seat covers instead.
well seeing I didn't have to pay for any of it, I can't see where would hurt to give it a shot, I got a couple of tips on how to cut down on kinks and what not and I'm just hazarding a guess but seeing it is off and OLD boat that it is of the harder material so this adventure should be interesting, hope it works cause it will save a ton of money. At least now I know it can be done, so thanks all for you advice and help, I'll let you all know how it works out.
not worried about buying a new coil for it, if that's whats called for. the coil in it now only has maybe 10 hours on it. sounds like I have the same basic setup as what you had. as far as the interrupt switch, if I remember right mine was still working, one of the concerns I have with lowering the Idle is stalling at the exact wrong moment (docking). I will look on line for that circuit setup or just get a ESA from on line.
Has anyone done any bending of Stainless steel tubing? I have a bunch of old SS tubing off of an old boat that I would like to bend up and turn into a mount for some pole holders off of my Bimini frame. Just curious before I go out and get a tubing bender to work on it.
i hear you and Tileman about spare parts, last summer for my points and coil took a dump out on the lake and had to be towed back (at night, what a bummer), needless to say i most definitly started carrying spare parts with me. i'll add in, it looks like that fiber piece on the points that ride on the lobe wore out and caused the points to stop opening which must of caused all the rest of the failures.
I also just picked up a new used good distributor for it too, seeing how my dwell reading where getting to the outer limits of the specs. next is to get the update kit for it. Do I need to change coils too?
well, that answers the question on why not to use automotive. I also read about maybe having to change coils, plus on my set up I will have to add in a electronic interrupt switch. Well as everyone knows what BOAT stands for.
once again thanks for the mast, I got the pulleys all set now, only have to fix that one reel which should be easy enough) and off to the water (once it thaws )
just have a question out of curiosity, I have a boat with a 85' 4.3L Chevy with a points and cond setup, I plan on converting it to and Electronic set up, I've already Identified and new upgrade set up so I should be all set there, the question is it possible to swap out the distributor with one out of a automotive application with a mechanical advance similar to the old Prestolite setup (BID)?
yes i checked there, and they are basically junk for this purpose. I'm going to go out an meet up with Ontherise, he has a mast he has offered me. needs a little work but it's an awesome offer.
thanks again.
i have a friend who got a Grady White with a bad transom, he knew this when he bought it, then he dug in and found the stringers and every other piece of wood was shot, needless to say he separated the top of the boat from the bottom and has been rebuilding and glassing everything in there, his thought is when he gets it done he'll know exactly what he will have and its a Grady White.
i looked at a double at a store they want $289.00 for it, way out of my price range for it. i'm thinking the same thing about 450# that's why i asked about it. just figuring out what will work best for me and what i can build.
ok, sounds kind of what I have in mind, unless I come up with a decent reel system. Right now I'm having trouble finding a decent pulley for the set up. Any tips would be appreciated.
yep, that's what I'm thinking. I also have a seat out of another boat of mine with the base still attached, I just have to pull it out of the shed to see if it will slide into the post. if it does then I can bolt that to the mast base that is already mounted on the boat. I just picked up some eye bolts and thumb screws. Still have to get a couple of decent pulleys, although I'm thinking I might just use the eye bolts them selves to run the rope thru, I can't see where there will be that much friction on them. I believe I'm going to use a couple of cleats to use as tie off points for the rope, speaking of any thoughts on what seems to work the best other than over priced planer board rope?
i've been looking at some boards like them on here, from what i have read they seem to do the job.
right now i'm trying to decide which way to go on the Mast thou. i have a couple of ideas as far as the pulleys and and the "reel". i'm trying to stay light and being able to store it away easily.
also has anyone seen and plans for board you can fold up?
I plan on putting together a home made mast and boards myself, I have been looking at the different ones that are posted on here and other sites. one question that pops to mind is just how hard do the double boards pull? i have read where some guys are breaking 450# line because their boards are pulling so hard. It seems to me that is a bit extreme.
I saw where one person made his mast out of thick wall PVC and then help support it with guide lines?
as far as a base goes my boat already has a mast mounting plate on the bow, so as long as i match up the holes i can fab just about any plate to got to it with some thumb screws (boat serves dual purpose, fishing and swimming) to fasten it.
but mainly whats the average they pull?