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Everything posted by Thun

  1. Thank you Sk8man. I used "Lizard Litter," crushed walnut media that I bought at the pet store.
  2. Just a thought...a friend gave me a brass tumbler he used to clean his brass for reloading but instead, I used it to clean the brass in my Penn Gti's. I wouldn't use it on anything painted but I bet it would make those unpainted lures look new. Here's what it did to the brass in my reels. I also used Wipe New (as seen on TV) on the graphite frame.
  3. I use two of these fuse blocks right at the battery. The fuses are expensive but so are the riggers. http://www.bluesea.com/products/2151/Dual_MRBF_Terminal_Fuse_Block_-_30_to_300A
  4. Thun

    Sticker shock!

    I didn't really know much about Yo-Zuri until I read this thread so I went looking for info and found this older article from On The Water about Yo-Zuri. Sure does sound like they make a great stickbait. http://www.onthewater.com/articles/2012/07/yo-zuri-crystal-minnow/
  5. I had a little coffee shop back in the day and I used to use a batter mix called Golden Dipt that you can buy in any stuffing aisle of any grocery store. I think they make a beer batter mix also. Everyone loved it. Note to self...read the WHOLE thread before posting. Sorry FLX TROLLER!
  6. And to give you an idea of spool capacity for all the Penn level winds, Scott's B&T lists them for mono http://store.scottsbt.com/PennParts/ReelSpecs/PennGT.aspx#specs And this webpage states that 15# test Berkely Big Game has a 0.015" diameter http://www.mels-place.com/Contents/ABCs_and_Goodies/Line_Diameters/line_diameters.htm
  7. Hope this helps...Blood Run Tackle has a reel fill data chart for most reels although they don't list the 320 gti. They do list the 330 gti as holding 50' of Blood Run copper with 300' of 30 lb test Blood Run backing. http://www.bloodruntackle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/CopperDiveChart.pdf
  8. We target pike exclusively and either tape or screw wooden clothespins to the bottom of the tilt. Then we just place the line in the clothespin so the huge pike bait we're using doesn't trip the flag.
  9. Thun


    Majority rules...wrong! Our form of government is a constitutional republic which guarantees the rights of the minority against the will of the majority. If the majority ruled and us men outnumbered women, we could vote rape legal. (That example is extreme but you get the drift.)
  10. I just bought a 100 yd spool of that new STS Seaguar flourocarbon for roughly $25. I was buying the 25 yard spools of the Blue Label for the same money. I don't know if this is why you guys are breaking off with flouro but Fish Doctor Charters has a vid explaining what he thinks is happening when the line is broken. http://www.fishdoctorcharters.com/videos/video1F.html I found these rattles at Jannsnetcraft. At 7mm, they're smaller than the beads. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/skirt-collars-rattles/036010900009.aspx
  11. I was wondering if anyone uses scent and if yes, how? If salmon can find their way back to their spawning grounds by their sense of smell, I'd think scent would be a big plus while trolling. We've got flashers to attract them, echips to trigger strikes, why not scent? Thanks for your input in advance.
  12. My brother in law went thru and lost a 3 hp jiffy in about 15 fow. The following summer, I asked a buddy who dives if he'd take a look for it. He was only down about 10 minutes when he came back up with it. The rope was rotted but after a new one, started right up on the 2nd pull. Still use it today!
  13. If Reelguy doesn't have what you need, I'm sure Alan Tani can help too. You'll have to register for his website to contact him. I recently serviced several level winds and had a problem with one spool that just wouldn't seat right. When I asked Alan for his advice, he sent me several shims at no charge which fixed the problem I was having. He's a great guy! http://alantani.com/index.php?topic=4425.0
  14. If the leader is breaking between the hooks, I'm wondering if the break is caused by the line wrapping around and getting caught between the hooks on the treble. Can you fold the line back to see if the length of line from the break matches the length to the gap between the hooks on the treble? Does that make sense? http://www.fishdoctorcharters.com/videos/video1Q.html
  15. Here's more from Alan Tani on wet vs dry drags http://alantani.com/index.php?topic=47.0
  16. If I was sending my reels out for service, I'd definitely opt for the drag upgrade. Check out this tutorial from Alan Tani on the Saltist and note that he compares the stock drags to paper. http://alantani.com/index.php?topic=227.0
  17. I took a couple of course's from the CG Aux a few years ago and as taught, I had the anchor ready to throw when I needed it in a hurry. I lost power in the Saco River and was heading for the rocks in a swift current, That anchor was ready and saved us from crashing into those rocks. I thought the course was great.
  18. To all who contribute to this site. I admire all of you and think of you as my Lake Ontario mentors. It's because of you guys our boat caught a few this our first season. And as long as I keep listening to you guys and gals, I hope to catch many more Ralph Hayden Hudson Mass
  19. Beautiful musky...congrats
  20. I usually make an 8 hour trip from Massachusetts to Chautauqua Lake every year in the fall, it's a great musky lake. Most guys speed troll leadcore with huge crankbaits like Legend Perchbaits, Baker Baits and Wiley's. Chautauqua also has those weed pods floating around on top so I see a lot of Down East Rod Holders that allow the rod tip to be tilted down in the water. If you should catch some weeds on the rod, simply pick up the rods and shake them off.
  21. If they're not trying to take our guns away then what was the motive of the New York Journal News last December when they published the names and addresses on their website of an interactive map of gun owners in two counties in the suburbs of NYC? Thousands of law abiding citizens had their privacy abused when this news outlet published their names and addy's. Stalking victims, corrections officers, policemen and homes were all targeted by this release. Yes there is an agenda and it's called incrementalism, take a little bit here, a little bit there and before we know it our right to own and carry a firearm is gone.
  22. Why is it we never hear about mass shootings ended by law abiding armed citizens? Here's 10 cases where the death toll would have been greater if not for armed citizens. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/10-potential-mass-shootings-that-were-stopped-by-someone-wit
  23. Happy Constitution Day to all...Take the quiz. ( I got 4, 5, 6 and the bonus question wrong) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/09/17/the-constitution-day-quiz-test-yourself/
  24. Pro-gun advocates cite Gary Kleck, a Florida State University professor of criminology whose 1994 national survey estimated that victims used guns 2.5 million times a year in the U.S. to protect themselves. Kleck compared this favorably to the 400,000 times he said criminals used guns against victims. "In sum," Kleck wrote, "measures that effectively reduce gun availability among the non-criminal majority also would reduce [defensive gun uses] that otherwise would have saved lives, prevented injuries, thwarted rape attempts, driven off burglars, and helped victims retain their property." http://articles.latimes.com/2012/dec/20/nation/la-na-more-guns-20121221 And here's just a few documented cases. http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcInfoBase.asp?CatID=43
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