I first would like to say thanks for all of your post, some very good information. I have been reading a lot of post and learning a lot. I currently own a 2010 Ranger 1850 reata. My first question is will this boat handle decent on Lake Ontario. I currently fish lake erie and as long as I watch the weather, I do alright. It will handle 3-4 on erie all day. Do 3-4 on Lake Ontario feel the same as Erie or is it a different wave action.
My next question is, I am planning on comming up the first week of May for a few days possibly going out of Olcott or is there other area to look at. If I am using 2 rod and I do not have downriggers. What is the best 2 rod setup. I have read a lot about wire, copper ect... Do I need that for the spring or can I get away with 30 lbs braid pulling dipsey's which is what I do in the summer on Lake Erie. Without spending a lot of money, what are some lures that produce well in the springs, spoons, flies, plugs, cut heads ect..
Also is there anyone on here that is either retired or has a flexible schedule that would like to go out fishing sometime. I don't always get weekends off but I do get days off in the middle of the week. With that kind of schedule its hard to find people to go out and fish with.
Thanks again for your time