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Everything posted by Lively1

  1. I am not a troller; I usually fish out of a small alum boat or my canoe, on Keuka. I've learned to jig for lakers, and it works. But when the wind starts up, it becomes challenging to hold in position for vertical jigging. My question is this - is there a set up to try when the wind makes jigging unmanageable? (not blowing 15-20 MPH mind you - I'll be off the lake - but maybe 3 - 10 MPH wind?) - I've heard about casting a heavy spoon downwind and letting it sink while you catch up to it.. - what about drifting with a dipsey diver & spoon or plug? - copper line with spoon? - three-way bottom rig with a sawbelly or gob of salmon skein? I'm making a drogue to hopefully slow down or stop the drift.. but haven't been able to try it yet. --- Another newbie question - roughly when does the lake turn over in the fall, so you can start catching trout near the surface ? Columbus Day? Thanksgiving? Thanks..
  2. Finally realizing a dream and buying a small place on Keuka Lake. We will get a family fun boat but I also want a dedicated fishing boat. Due to budgets it will be a used 'beater' of some sort. I don't plan to troll with downriggers, prefer jigging or toplining. Just need something to get 1- 4 people around safely and with reasonable speed. I have an old Starcraft 14' shallow V hull but a little wind and it really isn't a good or safe ride.. so looking for something else. Saw a used Blue Fin for $700 including trailer, but engine and I/O drive, and interior, are all shot apparently, so it would be a 'project boat'. Seems like I would be able to buy something workable for the same money ($1500-2000?) in the end.. Any suggestions what to look for? Outboard vs. I/O? Aluminum vs. fiberglass? 14 vs. 16 vs 18 feet? How big an engine? Can I get something for under $1000? Thanks for the ideas..
  3. Spent most of this past week jigging lakers on Keuka recently. Used a Fishing Buddy II fishfinder. It seemed to show depth and structure accurately.. to 130-140 feet which was bottom where I was fishing, but rarely marked fish, and never any bait fish. In spite of that I managed to catch 2-5 fish almost every day in a couple hours of fishing. Is it worth putting a new and better fish finder on my shopping list?
  4. Still a few spots open as of today. If you are thinking about attending this, don't wait to register. The class has filled for the past 3-4 years and there is no walk-in registration on the day of the class.
  5. A one-day fly fishing class will be held SATURDAY MARCH 23, 2013 in Elmira NY for adults and youth 12 and older. Nationally known instructors will cover all aspects of the sport, including equipment, flies, casting, and fishing techniques. This is a great opportunity to get started in the sport, or to brush up on rusty skills. The class runs 8 AM to 5 PM; lunch provided. Fee is $75 for adults (16 and up), and $50 for kids 12-15. Proceeds of the class support local conservation and outdoor education projects of the Twin Tiers Fiver Rivers chapter of The Federation of Fly Fishers, a national non-profit organization. > Students must pre-register by March 15, by contacting Steve Harris at [email protected] 607-973-2509), or Kirk Klingensmith at [email protected] (607-346-7189). If you are within driving distance this is a great beginners class. For more info see here: http://www.twintiers.../news/Jan13.pdf
  6. Not speaking from a lot of experience but I imagine the choice of fly is much less important than the rigging and the presentation. A white/olive marabou streamer or a white/silver clouser would probably work fine. Thundercreek is another all-around style that works. About the rigging, what I remember being told is if you use a floating line with fly rod, add a good long leader of 8 lb mono - maybe 8-10 feet? and add a couple of split shot a few feet in front of the streamer.. (I might substitute a sinking line or sink tip if I had one, I suppose). I also hear trolling speed is considered very important for LL.. (Not sure how you manage that in a rowboat or kayak..) Would be great if someone who's 'been there- done that' would share some of the 'how to do it' here. --------------------------------------------------------------- Also - I bought an assortment of 'traditional' tandem trolling streamers about 10 years ago from a guy in Maine, and I have occasionally trolled near shore from my rowing canoe with fly rod, and caught some smallmouth.. this is on Keuka but I'm sure same would work in other Finger Lakes. One advantage of these trolling flies is that they use wire to link the two flies, and some have beads on the wire, which gives them some weight to make them sink a bit deeper. Something to consider if you plan to tie some of those. Though clouser or conehead flies are probably equally if not more effective.
  7. Don't know about the discharge or the fishing, but the stack was discharging steam all day yesterday, giving the appearance of being in operation.
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