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About reellynn

  • Birthday 11/27/1947

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  • Gender
  • Location
    atco new jersey
  • Home Port
    fair haven
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  1. I use chaimberlans both problems solved
  2. pm sent
  3. no problem let me know when ever you return
  4. if not I will take the rigger if you can ship to new jersey
  5. I'll take the #2 rod holders if you can ship to new jersey
  6. Iwould sure like to buy that double rod holder on the rear of the first pic if you would seperate
  7. reellynn

    for sale : usa .

    interested in the mag 10ts How old are they and are they the fast retrieve riggers meaning the 250 feet per minute ones?Wonder what the shipping would be to south jersey where I'm located and payment procedure?
  8. interested in the penn rod PM sent
  9. reellynn

    for sale : usa 14ft sea nymph

    my brother is looking for a boat , but you might be a little to far for him . i'll talk to him and let him know where you are and see what he wants to do thanks for responding
  10. is the motor still for sale?
  11. reellynn

    for sale : usa 14ft sea nymph

    where are you located?
  12. message sent
  13. great job Phil wish I could have been there to help.Vacation can't come soon enough, see you soon.
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