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Everything posted by steelie1

  1. Just got a huge shipment in. prices are as follows pick any amount/style you want F series-4.75ea J series-4.95ea HJ series 4.85ea paypal for payment shipping Is generally 5.00 unless a large order UPDATED LIST AT BOTTOM OF PAGE.
  2. 1 lot sold 1 still available
  3. Two identical lots available each lot contains 6 baits 30.00ea
  4. Did the place you found one have any left? I’m striking out everywhere. I did find one but it was on a site I’ve never heard of
  5. I need one also. I also find it funny that they offer a rebate of 200 if bought before March 31 but they aren’t available till after then.
  6. This Lot SOLD!!!
  7. F-3’s thru F-9’s
  8. Still available
  9. 40.00 takes the lot
  10. 50.00 takes them
  11. SOLD!!!
  12. 35.00 takes the lot
  13. Take all 15 for 50.00
  14. What is code on second up bottom right. Never saw that one?
  15. I’ll take 24. The hot n tots and divers. Last pic. Ty
  17. All Floaters. Mixed sizes 75.00
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