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About Fishntacl

  • Birthday 06/04/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sudbury, Canada
  • Home Port
    South Baymouth, Manitoulin Island, L Huron
  • Boat Name
    Fish n TACL

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  1. Yes I have cross threaded the rigger to base plate screw/bolt... First time I used it (not a good first experience). Judging by the play in them I doubt I'm the first. I had to take it back to the dealer where I bought them - they were very good to provide service. I'm very mindful of this now and take great care to avoid repeating this issue. The fact that I've had this problem and that the boom extensions are plastic threads that bind when you tighten them makes me very careful with them too. I'm not sure why you might think I would post something like this without basis, especially when I bought the riggers after owning the two older Mag 5's which have been fabulous. I have nothing to gain or lose by posting my opinion and normally I'm a very proud owner of quality products. For an example if someone would've asked for comments on larger outboards they would've gotten nothing but praise for my 2010 200hp Evinrude Etec. But that's just not the case for my Canon STX's, sorry. I do appreciate the heads up on the pulley fix though. Thank you for this and thank you to LOU Fishing for the opportunity to make this discovery.
  2. Hi, I see from your website that you run them too. My bad regarding place of manufacture (assembly?) but I do stand by my assessment of quality. For an example, my older riggers have solid plastic pulleys at the rigger rod ends the new ones are hollow plastic pulley wheels. This, combined with the excessively fast retrieval rate means the wire jumps out of the groove of the pulley when the ball gets to surface and jams up... A pain to rectify continuously.. Also damaging the rigger cable. There are other issues as well (hand bolt to tie rigger to plate is prone to cross threadinding, the threading on the boom extensions is plastic... Poor quality... Prone to cross threading). Manufacture often means assembly... I often wonder how much content of foreign components curtails the Made in America branding. They certainly don't make them like they used to.
  3. I have cannon mag stx 10 bought in 2012. They are terrible (very poor quality). I have mag 5s that are about10 years old that are great. Cannon sometime in between started making them in China... The quality reflects this. Take it from someone who runs all Cannons... Get Scotties.
  4. Thanks for your replies. Just got in with boat and family to Elmvale (north of Barrie). Going on a family sight-seeing tour out of Penetang in the am. Sunday afternoon I'll tug her down to Bluffers... I'll either fish there out deeper 80-200fow or power over to the mouth of the credit and fish it tighter 70-50fow. Not sure yet, all being weather-dependent. I'll post if I make out ok. Thanks again for you input.
  5. Not too much going on I suppose...
  6. I'm not local so don't take my word for it (others will surely correct) but I think they go up the Credit and Humber for sure and even heard the Don.
  7. Hi All, I'm hauling my boat all the way down from Sudbury this (Labour Day) weekend. I'm looking for some advice... Bluffer's or Credit. I would assume Credit but this year is so messed up (up on Manitoulin where I fish too). Bluffer's is very close to family so I would prefer to launch there... but I will not bother fishing it if locals would advise not on recent activity. Also, any idea how far from Bluffer's to Credit by water? Is there a good as spot closer? Last year I fished Bluffer's on August long with spoons (biggest 32lbs)... Is the spoon bite still happening? All replies are much appreciated!
  8. Hmmm... I'm from Northern Ontario, so I don't have access to the same market (no bass pro up the street) but for less than half of the price I use a roll of whipper snipper line. It's high strength, abrasion resistant, smooth and comes in hi vis colours... I use heat shrink and quick zips to loop it back on itself to make the connections.
  9. Thanks John. We did well. Check out my report... http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/index.php/topic/36316-port-dalhousie-may-34/
  10. Never mind... 15". Got it. Sorry.
  11. Hi there. Is the motor a long shaft?
  12. I posted this on the American (South Shore) blogs but didn't get a response so I'll try here in case anyone is interested. Drove down 5hrs from Sudbury last Thursday night. Got started 5:30am Friday morning. Most people were in tight to shore but we decided to head out into deeper waters. At 7:30 we started to hook up into some kings in about 85 FOW. After missing 2, picked up an 8lber. Then we got a nice 14lber. Followed by a beauty 20lber and a 19lbr. Went out for the evening fish and got two more in the upper teens. Saturday morning, the same. We had a live target smelt on an in line planer, Lyman with two split sets on a homemade planer, purple and black nasty boy (followed by a blue and silver when the sun got higher) on one rigger, a black and silver NK on the other rigger and a green 8" spin doctor on lead core down the chute. Riggers we set at 45 and 35ft. Speed was around 2.5mph. Water temps were 47degrees where we had most of the action. All setups had hook ups but the lead. The black and silver took the majority. The weather was great. We had a wicked time.
  13. The high retrieval rate does cause some problems especially 5.5ft out with a 10 or 12 pound ball on the end. I also had gunwale deflection that I had to reinforce for. I hope you didn't get the swivel pedestal, I had to take mine back last year after less than a season... The swivel was getting way too much play... Not built for that kind of torque I guess. I'm from Sudbury but went down to St Catherines last weekend... I posted my report in the South (American) blogs if you are interested. We did well.
  14. Drove down 5hrs from Sudbury last Thursday night. Got started 5:30am Friday morning. Most people were in tight to shore but we decided to head out into deeper waters. At 7:30 we started to hook up into some kings in about 85 FOW. After missing 2, picked up an 8lber. Then we got a nice 14lber. Followed by a beauty 20lber and a 19lbr. Went out for the evening fish and got two more in the upper teens. Saturday morning, the same. We had a live target smelt on an in line planer, Lyman with two split sets on a homemade planer, purple and black nasty boy (followed by a blue and silver when the sun got higher) on one rigger, a black and silver NK on the other rigger and a green 8" spin doctor on lead core down the chute. Riggers we set at 45 and 35ft. Speed was around 2.5mph. Water temps were 47degrees where we had most of the action. All setups had hook ups but the lead. The black and silver took the majority. The weather was great. We had a wicked time.
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