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Everything posted by wildgooseways

  1. two (2) Okuma CLARION CLR-553LS reels spolled with 27# Tuf-Coat micro lead core 10 color (100 yds) & braid backing. NEW in box with papers (only removed from box to spool line) $300.00 for pair + actual shipping cost (determined after known location and method preferred by buyer) contact me by e-mail wawa0344@outlook.com Ships from Annapolis MD area. Will accept personal check Ship as soon as check clears my bank! Thanks for looking.
  2. Okuma Clarion CLR-553LS 6.2:1 ratio high performance reels with rod brace spooled with 30# braid backing & 27# Tuf-Line 10 color micro leadcore & 30# Quattro mono leader Never Used! $120.00 each or $220.00 for pair of 2 - includes shipping to south shore Lake Ontario area. In original factory box with instructions. Shimano Talora 8 1/2 foot TLA-86MH-2A rod with nylock gimbel butt. Never Used $80.00 each or $150.00 pair of 2 - Includes shipping to south shore Lake Ontario area. contact wawa0344@outlook.com or 410-757-3503 - leave email or phone # with ?'s & payment arrangements. Ref. this posting ! Free local pickup - Annapolis, MD area.
  3. I'm in Annapolios MD near U S Naval Academy - priority 3 day mail shipping to your area is probably about $35.00
  4. New - pair big jon otter boats $170.00 + shipping or free local pickup approximately $30.00 shipping to Olcott/Wilson area. Used - big jon manual dual reel mast without base $280.00 + shipping or free local pickup - will need to check shipping to supplied postal zone supplied! contact: wawa0344@outlook.com or phone 410-757-3503 with ?'s or purchase arrangements leave email or phone # ref this posting! -also have lots of other salmon trolling gear - new & used-
  5. Homemade rod storage rack for basement/garage requires minimal area - connstructed with 1 & 1/4 PVC - holds 24 rods with reels requires approximately 3 feet by 4 feet floor space !
  6. Is it there and working anymore? web address I've used for years no longer works! Is there a new web address if it is still there? And if so could someone post it! Thanks Leonard
  7. I have a 2005 Tracker 175 Targa with 90 HP Merc 2 stroke & 9.9 Merc pro kicker 4 stroke aux that has been used entire month of May thru 2014 out of Olcott NY on Lake O. Run as far west as The Bar and trailer as far east as Point Breeze! Have had 0 hull problems in that time. I live on Chesapeake Bay (saltwater) in Annnapolis MD area and use the boat extensively June thru December there. I traded a 21 ft Pro Line center console for this boat (ease of trailering) and have 0 regrets! I try to fish in less than 4 footer's but that is not always possible. Sounds like you got a boat built when the welder showed up with a hangover! My Tracker has caught hundreds of Salmon, Trout, Stripers, Bluefish, Seatrout and numerous Drum, Cobia & Walleyes also. Hope Tracker makes things right with you! I can say nothing but good things about mine! By the way it is set up for trollng, downriggers,sub troll, planer boats etc. and I went to Cumberland Lake KY to purchase it! Used buddys 23 ft fiberglass deep V w/a cuddy May 2015 on Lake O for a little more comfort (we're both 70+) but didn't catch a greater amount of fish! By the way I have a 32 ft Tiara I use offshore for Billfish & Tuna! Good Luck hope all turns out OK!!
  8. What's going on with this? You go to it and it has 25 -50 duplicate old entries and that is all!
  9. Anyone here know of a source to purchase "unrigged" Rapture Trolling Flies as I prefer to rig with my own choice of hook, beads & leader ! Thanks for any info you may have.
  10. Anyone here Have Or know of anyone familiar with Charter Captain Deluxe Rocket Launcher Planer Board Mast & Rod Holders GLP - 001 as currently offered on ebay and if so what is your thoughts on it ! I.E. are they worth the asking price quality wise etc? Thanks in advance for any feedback. Leonard
  11. Thanks for all the replies! Issue resolved! New 2015 20 HP 4 stroke engine delivered to me yesterday, bracket from Saltboss to be here by coming Wednesday and boat is at service center for complete installation, by the way Control King trolling speed control is also being installed on the kicker. Thanks again, Catch Em Up! Leonard
  12. Thanks a bunch for all the info - just remembered boat has hydraulic power steering on the Alpha I - steers extremely hard without engine running! How do you steer the kicker with the I/O engine not running? If you have to leave I/O engine in neutral at idle - pretty well negates any fuel cost savings with the kicker for trolling! Aren't boats just great!! Leonard
  13. have a 23 ft 8.5 ft beam deep V fiberglass boat with 5.0 liter Merc Alpha I I/O and a swimplatform! Wish to add 20 HP 4 stroke O/B to starboard side of transom with side mounted remote controls starboard side of cockpit. Any suggestions as to type of bracket for transom? Do I need power tilt on kicker? Or depending on type bracket no power tilt? Recommend steering controls for I/O to O/B. Transom is full solid with door access to swim platform! Have heard of kicker mounted to swimplatform - anyone have this or info? Any and all info greatly appreciated. Current boat is aluminum walk-thru with large O/B to 9.9 Pro Kicker with tiller controls and mechanical rod steering from large O/B to kicker! Easy access from stern of boat - not so on the Deep V fiberglass I/O. Thanks in advance for your help. Leonard
  14. Thanks Coho Queen - Will be in Olcott entire month of May this year and shall make an effort to attend depending on how the fishing is the 15th. Hopefully we will be all done in the AM and can give em a rest in PM !
  15. Anyone on Lake Ontario ever use Narrows Deceptors ? They are a plastic hard Bait alternative to plug cut herring. Not even sure if they are still made, but they worked very well on Kings in the Pacific NW.
  16. In a word - FLITZ And it's the only thing I've ever found that will remove surface rust from a firearm withot removing the bluing!
  17. Yes ! bases on the boat are for Easitroll Manual series - use the one's that came with the riggers! Mounting hole pattern should be the same for both! It's a process of removing the one's on the boat and replacing with the one's that came with the riggers! You may need eight ( longer 1/4 x 20 bolts and maybe new self locking nuts! You shouldnt't have to drill any new holes assuming you want the new riggers in same positions on the boat as the old one's were!
  18. Fishing buddy holding 16 lb steelhead caught off Olcott 05/17/2013 weighed on accurae digital scale didnt weigh the other one laying on table!
  19. Welcome to "The New Cannons" not trying to one up you but, I bought 2 new Mag 10 STX's 03/2013 and three weeks ago while fishing out of Olcott and clearing lines to land a big king (turned out to be 28 lbs)upon raising the 10lb ball to the surface, buddy started to swivel the port side rigger & boom toward the bow of the boat one side of the base broke completely off, broke the bolt out of part it slides into and broke the swivel base where the spring loaded pin goes into it!!! Only thing that kept whole damned thing from ending up on the bottom of Lake O was my buddies quick reaction by holding onto the boom with one hand and lifting everything, including ball back into the boat. Sent the whole thing back to Maknato, MN at my expense after waiting a week for the e-mail Pre-paid label the said they would send me!!! Three e-mails and two phone calls, still waiting for label!!! First contact with them I was referred to their Burlington, Ontario location, where they had no idea why I was referred there, inasmuch as I live in the USA not Canada!!!! In Mankato they said the base and part it slides into has a lifetime warranty, but no the $90.00 swivel base, which I have already repaired myself with parts ordered from fish 307. Got reply from shipping service I used that it was delivered in Mankato yesterday. Guess I'll see in time what they do!!!!! Good luck with yours!!!! By the way this is the 3rd horror story I've had with Cannon downriggers in the last 5 years. Only reason I got Cannon's in lieu of Scotty's this time is because boat is already set up with four Cannon swivel bases and wired with Cannon quick disconnects.
  20. Re, full bodied field goose decoys in last picture - yes I made all of those! They were what was left of almost 60 dozen I made for two properties I leased on MD's Eastern Shore for about 25 years starting mid 1960's through the peak, when MD's Eastern Shore was considred by many to be the Goose Hunting Capitol of The World until the collapse of the Atlantic migratory flock and the eventual complete closure of the season on them. I got out of it just prior to that happening. Also had 50 - 60 dozen floaters at the same time that I made also! Both properties were large corn / soybean farms with expansive tidal shorelines adjoining he fields. Also had large freshwater impoundment on each farm. Had all blinds, pit or shoreline set up with complete decoy setup at each blind, so depending on wind and however many blinds I needed to set up on a given day depending on how many shooters I had those blinds could be easily set up without massive equipment transport. Sure do miss those days!!! Matter of fact those pictured and about 20 dozen floaters I had left were all sold to a young "Outfittter" from The Shore last November. Me and a couple of close friends who are still on the right side of the sod still kill quite a few every year though using layout blinds and smaller setups on properties we still have access to - mostly resident geese while the weather is warmer. Can't take the cold like I used to!! Figures - two of my passions are about the coldest outdoor sports , fishing for steelhead and waterfowl hunting! Sorry for the long winded reply, but I needed a break from getting my Great Lakes boat and gear ready for western Lake O mid May - maybe earlier depends on weather/fishing! Thanks
  21. What Tim said !!! And I usually kill them with leadcore & vibrator flies also, # of colors depends on water depth but Ho's are going to be in top of water colum !!
  22. Anyone here into making their own working decoys? Here are some I make.
  23. New to site but anything but new to Great Lakes Fishing, been fishing the Great lakes since before the 1966 successful introduction of Pacific Coho Salmon by Michigan DNR Was mostly a trib fisherman starting with Steelhead in Huron, Michigan & Superior, but do to health and age combined in 2005 had to give up wading fast flowing rivers with slippery rocks. However I was unwilling to give up on the Great Lakes trout and salmon fishery completely! And, since I already had lots of saltwater trolling experience, both inshore in The Chesapeake Bay (stripers, bluefish etc) and offshore (billfish, tuna etc) . In 2006 I decided to buy a smaller (175 Tracker Targa WT) and set it up for Great Lakes trolling, economical to trailer & operate (90 Merc with 9.9 Merc pro kicker) - no name for this boat! But I still have my large (2600 Tiara - name "Whipporwill") that I decided was too large to trailer to - from The Great Lakes the two - three times a year I get to fish there. Usually fish the smaller boat out of Olcott, but sometimes Point Breeze and have been doing real well since starting in Lake O in 06. Didn't mean to be so long winded - thanks for understanding!
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