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  1. Copper watermellon , back and purple seem to always get bit for me .
  2. Beauty bird , congrats !
  3. Thanks , I am about an hour from 50 point and thier webcam is down.
  4. It seems like a few less replies today on this post. This is a article on the topic of tracking dogs in the states. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/whitetail-365/2013/10/finding-lost-deer-it%E2%80%99s-time-tracking-dogs-go-national Good luck Fly Buster
  5. Fished 8:00am to 1:00pm . Setup in 70 feet trolled out 150 . 50 degrees down 50feet got a nice steelie on the high diver in 115 feet down 30 wire diver got smoked but it looked like the fly was bit off . It would have been nice to see the one that bit off the #35 flourocarbon. got 1 more hit on the wire with no hookup and 3 knock offs. Hope to get back out Sat.
  6. great video Thanks for sharing.
  7. Glow frog with hog wild and green glow with with purple mirage behind #1 dipsey on #2 setting. These usually get hit in all weather conditions and depth for me. I agree with K.S. That an 11" flasher with meat is also a good choice on the wire.
  8. ironhead

    Boat Foam

    I cracked my 17.5' seanymph this year and had the cracks welded And 60 rivets replace. Several people suggested that I should not put any flotation back in. After some research I decided to use pool noodles. They do not suck up water and there is 200 pounds of rated flotation per unit. I put 14 units into the spaces that were filled with wet heavy spray foam. If I have to remove my flotation again it will be alot easier. Good luck with your project .
  9. Fished off of Grimsby from 8am to 1:00pm. Set up in 70' and worked out to 140'. Surface temp 68-70 and 48-51 down 60' landed 5 kings #27,#24 #17 and 2 shakers 3 lakers all around#10 and a #4 steel-head. All kings on meat off the riggers down 60' The lakers all came on a wire disey with SD and fly back 180 '. No derby fish but lots of fun watching Grandpa wrestle with the chinooks. .
  10. Finally got out to try for some Chinooks. The forecast was for 1 foot or less waves but turned out to be 3 feet or so which made things more fun . We got 2 small Steel-head a shaker king, took a good rip on the wire and meat with no hookup , we lost a good one because I didn't close the snap on a spoon , A few knock offs and a almost #28 king. We found 52 degrees down 60' over 80 ' and that is where all fish were caught on spoons and riggers. Three hours of pounding was enough so we headed for home.
  11. Yep , try it with remote tank like IRon said. If your motor runs good on the remote tank I would start with replacing the primer bulb.
  12. Congratulations on winning week 1 Tony great fish . That 40#er is going to be a tough one to top for first place .
  13. I tried the bury thing to ,but my dog dug them up and ate them two weeks later . Very very yucky.
  14. Freeze them and put them in your bin morning of pickup.
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