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Everything posted by ironhead

  1. Copper watermellon , back and purple seem to always get bit for me .
  2. Beauty bird , congrats !
  3. Thanks , I am about an hour from 50 point and thier webcam is down.
  4. It seems like a few less replies today on this post. This is a article on the topic of tracking dogs in the states. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/whitetail-365/2013/10/finding-lost-deer-it%E2%80%99s-time-tracking-dogs-go-national Good luck Fly Buster
  5. Fished 8:00am to 1:00pm . Setup in 70 feet trolled out 150 . 50 degrees down 50feet got a nice steelie on the high diver in 115 feet down 30 wire diver got smoked but it looked like the fly was bit off . It would have been nice to see the one that bit off the #35 flourocarbon. got 1 more hit on the wire with no hookup and 3 knock offs. Hope to get back out Sat.
  6. great video Thanks for sharing.
  7. Glow frog with hog wild and green glow with with purple mirage behind #1 dipsey on #2 setting. These usually get hit in all weather conditions and depth for me. I agree with K.S. That an 11" flasher with meat is also a good choice on the wire.
  8. ironhead

    Boat Foam

    I cracked my 17.5' seanymph this year and had the cracks welded And 60 rivets replace. Several people suggested that I should not put any flotation back in. After some research I decided to use pool noodles. They do not suck up water and there is 200 pounds of rated flotation per unit. I put 14 units into the spaces that were filled with wet heavy spray foam. If I have to remove my flotation again it will be alot easier. Good luck with your project .
  9. Fished off of Grimsby from 8am to 1:00pm. Set up in 70' and worked out to 140'. Surface temp 68-70 and 48-51 down 60' landed 5 kings #27,#24 #17 and 2 shakers 3 lakers all around#10 and a #4 steel-head. All kings on meat off the riggers down 60' The lakers all came on a wire disey with SD and fly back 180 '. No derby fish but lots of fun watching Grandpa wrestle with the chinooks. .
  10. Finally got out to try for some Chinooks. The forecast was for 1 foot or less waves but turned out to be 3 feet or so which made things more fun . We got 2 small Steel-head a shaker king, took a good rip on the wire and meat with no hookup , we lost a good one because I didn't close the snap on a spoon , A few knock offs and a almost #28 king. We found 52 degrees down 60' over 80 ' and that is where all fish were caught on spoons and riggers. Three hours of pounding was enough so we headed for home.
  11. Yep , try it with remote tank like IRon said. If your motor runs good on the remote tank I would start with replacing the primer bulb.
  12. Congratulations on winning week 1 Tony great fish . That 40#er is going to be a tough one to top for first place .
  13. I tried the bury thing to ,but my dog dug them up and ate them two weeks later . Very very yucky.
  14. Freeze them and put them in your bin morning of pickup.
  15. My down speed is between 2.5 and 3.5 when I am looking for kings. My gps speed is sometimes faster and sometimes slower , it all depends on the currents that are at the depth you are fishing .
  16. Got out on Erie for a few hours today and went 5 for 9. Fished down 25' over 70' off of Port Colbourne . #20 jet divers back 120' and spoons took all fish . Weather was a bit crazy for a bit but the lake mostly stayed flat. Here is a couple
  17. My Johnson will not start if the primer bulb is not pumped right up. maybe look at that to.
  18. Fished around the Grimsby buoy from 8:00 till noon 06\21 Went 2 for 5 with my Grandpa getting his first laker and first lake O fish (84 year lake Erie guy) All hits on same rigger with fake meat and 11" hotspot down 80 . Searched from 80 to 150 feet , surface temp 62 , down temp 51 deg @ 80 feet.
  19. This looks like the plug you need. This is where I found it - http://marine.honda.com/outboards/accessories/charging-kits Hope this helps
  20. This is what my 2004 set up looks like. Square plug on the tiller handle.
  21. I have a 2004 9.9 Honda with the 6 amp plug, I bought the wire harness from a Honda dealer for around $35.00 Canadian. Hooks up with female plug at the motor and eyelets at the battery. Works perfect.
  22. Thanks for the report,hope to have one soon from around that area when the water warms up.
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