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Everything posted by MIKEY SEA

  1. Mortigan the net repairman...... The repair worked good enough to pull two majors from big o this morning...And a bunch of smaller ones...great repair..............
  2. So is the YT up and running good now? Yes.. Tom does a great job..The Legacy would have been put to sleep if it wasn't for him..
  3. Saw your barge sitting in the little port of sandy...Whats up with the old girl?
  4. No problem...being stuck on shore sucks......What happened to your boat?
  5. If anybody has a open spot for Mortigan give him a call...He makes great company. We had him on a charter twice and we laughed ALL day... And he brings lots of food...lol
  6. less than a month now...yahoooo..Question is..Who will de-throne the 3 time champ?
  7. Congrats guys..and gal..Helluva job considering the conditions..
  8. Yes,, he lives in Hamlin. Drop me a text at 727-4247 with your number and I will have him get a hold of you later today..
  9. Rick, I have somebody that would help you out.. Mike
  10. Lou, I have somebody that will help you out. I sent you a im..Give me a call..
  11. I know somebody that would be interested if you are still looking for somebody..Thanks
  12. Just took the glasses off for the pic..Couldn't see squat....
  13. Hey Rob..I will hire us a smile coach.....We will have to try harder to smile next weekend..
  14. We did manage to limit..They were not running strong but they were steady..And yes they were VERY light spooky.. Had a blast though....Maybe next weekend again if they are still around..
  15. His face was frozen like that from that stiff east wind last night..But we still had a blast..
  16. Thats good news...we are headed there sat. afternoon..Cook some venison loins and beans up in the park and head down at dark..Has the water cleared up any? It's kinda nice when you can see them coming at you. 3 years ago we were there at dusk cooking and watched 2 guys go down and they were back up with their limit in 15-20 minutes..I couldn't believe it when we got down there it was a constant school of fish along the shore that never stopped. 2 dips and we were done..We sat there for another 3 hours letting people borrow the nets to get what they wanted. People were filling everything they could find that would hold fish..That was the best I ever saw them run..
  17. Anybody else hearing anything? It's always a good time when making the first trip to the big river..
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