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Posts posted by bondouley

  1. Woke up sunday morning with thoughts of taking my gf fishing for the morning when i heard the rain. I woke her up and asked if she still wanted to go and her reply was yes its only alittle rain so off to the boat we went. we launched the boat around 630 and headed straight north set down in 60' cause my gf just wanted to catch fish. We set out 2 riggers and full 10 color leadcore and headed north. 5 mins into the troll the leadcore started bouncing so she grabbed it and fought a descent 10# laker to the net. After that she wanted to go deep so rods in and to the deep we went. Dropped in at 250 with 2 riggers with sppons 2 dipseys with ff and 300 copper pulling meat. Our riggers were the work horses taking 6 hits in the next 2 hrs she landed 2 steelhead 1 around 10# the other around 6# and 2 smaller kings under 10# and dropped 2 more steelies. We ended the day 5 for 7 but nothing too big. All fish released to fight another day

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. 7/18 Met Nick at the launch at 3 for alittle prefishing. We headed out to our way points from the week before around 130'. We set out 3 riggers pulling spoons 2 dipseys pulling ff and a 300 copper pulling meat. We worked that area for about a hour without moving a rod despite the screens being good. We decided to pull the lines and go check the deep water. We sat down in about 300' and proceeded put the same spread out. We worked out to 400' then back in without moving a rod and by this time it was after 6 and we wanted to go back and work that 130' area again thinking maybe the fish would hit in the lower light of the afternoon so we started pulling rods. We had all the rods in the boat except for 1 dipsey when it started screaming 10 mins later we boated a nice 22# king. With that we knew if we spent sometime out there we could find some more. We went back inside and worked the area of good screens and still couldnt move a rod. We were back at the launch by 8 with a game plan for the morning.

    7/19 tournament time! We headed straight out of the chute put down in 60' put out all 4 riggers 2 with sliders 2 wires pulling ff a 300 copper pulling meat and a 500 copper pulling meat. We took a good shot on a slider but was gone by the time we got it out of the rod holder. We worked out to 150' trying to get something else to go but to no evail so we quickly pulled rods and made the desicion to go deep for the rest of the day. We sat down in 300' and proceded to put out the same spread but put sliders on all 4 riggers cause we knew there was a good class of steehead out there. We didnt move a rod for about 45mins then 1 of the riggers starts screaming with a 16# king after short battle into the box he went. We set the rigger back up and took a shot on the dipsey we dropped it half way back to the boat so back out the dipsey went. We changed all the spoons to uv colors and that seemed to do the trick. We took a 7# steelhead almost immediately and then a smaller 5# king after that, then the black cloud started hovering over the boat as we would drop 4 majors in the next 3 hours and all of them absolute screamers! We dropped them off of both coppers the dispeys and 1 off the riggers not sure why just one of those things i guess. We finished the day 4 for 14 absolutley horrible ratio! I hope we can get rid of the black cloud for the sandy slam

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app





  3.   7/18 Met Nick at the launch at 3 for alittle prefishing.  We headed out to our way points from the week before around 130'.  We set out 3 riggers pulling spoons 2 dipseys pulling ff and a 300 copper pulling meat.  We worked that area for about a hour without moving a rod despite the screens being good.  We decided to pull the lines and go check the deep water.  We sat down in about 300' and proceeded put the same spread out.  We worked out to 400' then back in without moving a rod and by this time it was after 6 and we wanted to go back and work that 130' area again thinking maybe the fish would hit in the lower light of the afternoon so we started pulling rods.  We had all the rods in the boat except for 1 dipsey when it started screaming 10 mins later we boated a nice 22# king.  With that we knew if we spent sometime out there we could find some more.  We went back inside and worked the area of good screens and still couldnt move a rod.  We were back at the launch by 8 with a game plan for the morning.

      7/19 tournament time!  We headed straight out of the chute put down in 60' put out all 4 riggers 2 with sliders 2 wires pulling ff a 300 copper pulling meat and a 500 copper pulling meat.  We took a good shot on a slider but was gone by the time we got it out of the rod holder.  We worked out to 150' trying to get something else to go but to no evail so we quickly pulled rods and made the desicion to go deep for the rest of the day. We sat down in 300' and proceded to put out the same spread but put sliders on all 4 riggers cause we knew there was a good class of steehead out there.  We didnt move a rod for about 45mins then 1 of the riggers starts screaming with a 16# king after short battle into the box he went.  We set the rigger back up and took a shot on the dipsey we dropped it half way back to the boat so back out the dipsey went.  We changed all the spoons to uv colors and that seemed to do the trick.  We took a 7# steelhead almost immediately and then a smaller 5# king after that, then the black cloud started hovering over the boat as we would drop 4 majors in the next 3 hours and all of them absolute screamers!  We dropped them off of both coppers the dispeys and 1 off the riggers not sure why just one of those things i guess. We finished the day 4 for 14 absolutley horrible ratio! I hope we can get rid of the black cloud for the sandy slam    

  4. SKUNKED!  we worked from 150' to 205'   temp was deep 46 degrees 120' down over 150' of water.   at 200' it was down 80'   worked all of it trying to stay in that 46 degree water    we had 1 fish on it took the dispey with echip flasher and hammer green glow fly 250 back on 2 setting but came undone 50' from the boat looked like a laker. All well guess thats why its called fishing now on to the oak for the tourny saturday   we ran a 4 rod spread 2 riggers parked at 100 and 120 and 2 dispeys 1 at 250 back and the other 300 back both on 2 settings    tried everything spoons flasher fly and meat rigs   we should of went out deeper

  5. Pissin match for sure.


    Social Theorem:  Theory of Relativity - Everyone judges their surroundings based on where they are standing in there little place in the world.


    Two things I noticed reading this thread is that people are not communicating properly.  1.) No self respecting man likes to be talked down to &  2.) When you start calling people names and doing an impersonation of the mentalist talking about who they are and what they stand for, your argument loses its merrit.


    The lake will set up soon - good luck everyone.

    yes yes yes

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