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Posts posted by bondouley

  1. Met one of my buddies at the dock at 530. We headed straight north out of the channel to 140' then set down our 6 rod spread consiating of 2 riggers one with a slider pulling spoons 2 dipseys back 180 - 250 pulling spin docotrs and flies again anything with green and a 300 copper pulling spin doctor and fly cause i didnt have any meat left. We took fish on alittle of everything. We ended with 8 bites 4 in the boat. 2 lakers a skimpy king and skippy steelhead. Nothing landed over 10# felt great being in the boat again after not fishing for 3 weeks

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. I wasnt able to get a team together to fish the Oak Orchard Open plus my boat really isnt tournament worthy as it is only 18' and most of my equipmnet is old.   I recieved a call 2 weeks ago from a guy who needed to hire an observer so i figured it would atleast be a good experience to see what other boats do in tournaments so i took the offer.  I got paired up with Nick and the boys from the boat Rigged.  It was totally different being on the observing end as opposed to the fishing end of the tourny.  I had a great time and was treated with respect the whole time. The fishing was slow for them but they all had their spirits up and were cracking jokes the whole weekend.  It was a great experience for me im glad i did it.  ps  to those out there that take a 2 day observing job make sure you show up both days not just the first one so you dont put the guys that hired you in a handycap.  

  3. I am now selling sets of 2, coated torpedo shaped 13 lb downrigger weights. 75.00 free shipping.

    Also still available 10 lb fish weights, or round balls, 2 for 65.00,

    and 14 lb fish shaped weights 2 for 75.00. Shipping included with these prices!

    Reply or PM to order, Free shipping USA only.

    ill take 2 10# fish weights. How do i pay or are you in the rochester area?

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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