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Posts posted by bondouley

  1. i fished same depth and got the big skunk today also. i had 2 good rips on dipsey with blue sd and blue ghost fly but both were gone by the time i got the rod out of the holder. i thought this time of yr was suppose to be the best but for me the last 2 weeks has been a struggle just to get 1 king an outing. i think im gonna try deep tomorrow

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. good job   we fished hard this weekend both morning and afternoons and had very liitle action.  we boated only 5 kings total.  acouple steelhead 1 brown and a couple lakers   we worked from 85' out to 600'   tried spoons and sd and flies.  we ran meat flies and meat rigs behind e chip boards also.   just couldnt get any consistant action.  was a very humbling weekend thats for sure.  

  3. 8/17

    my younger brother met me at my dock at 6am and we set out looking for his first major king.  i knew rthe fishing would be tough after the 2 day blow.  we set the spread of 4 rods in at 250'.  We ran 2 wires one at 323 on 3 setting the other at 425 on 3 setting. Ran one rigger at 90' the other at 110' both with magnum warrior uv spoons.  As soon as we got all the rods set up the 425 wire fires but is gone before we even get it out of the holder. We trolled ne without another hit til about 575' then the 425 wire fires again just after we had changed it to hammertime sd with green glow fly.  It screamed out to 650 before we could even stop him. 20mins later we put the net under a nice 20llb king.  Finally my brothers first 20lber.  we trolled out to 625 then all the way back in without another sniff changing baits every 30 to 45mins.  we packed it in around noon




    my older brother my nephew and my girlfriend were all standing on the dock ready to go by 530 so we headed out hoping the fishing was better than yesterday.  plan was to go to 350 aand set out a 5 rod spread.  our spread consisted of 3 wires and 2 riggers.  wires were ran at 323 400 450 all pulling sd and flys of various green patterns.  got 2 wires in before the 400 one started screaming so i got the rod out of holder and handed it to my girlfriend.  As soon as i gave her the rod he just absolutley screamed out 300 more ft of line.  when he stopped she bared down and went to work on him.  Looking at the line counter showing us 757' i just told her shes in for a serious fight.  5 mins into the fight the fish came up out of the water and stood on his tail nicely for us to see then all of a sudden the beast was gone. It was still early so my hopes for more were good.  we set the all the rods out turned the boat nw and started searching again.  at 379 the 450 wire started screaming i put my brother on the rod and 15 mins later we slipped the net under a nice 25lb king. We set the rod back out and continued.  about this time my kicker motor started running real ruff couldnt hold any speed.  We ended up having to pull all the rods and go in cause of it.  Back at the dock my brother went through the motor and decided the plugs needed to be changed so we did and it seemed to be good after that.  it was noon before we were all set so my brother and nephew had to go home and my girlfriend went to family party.  i waited till about 3 then i headed back out on a solo mission.  i headed right back to 350 and set my 3 rod spread. 2 wires set at 323 and 400 on 3 setting and 1 rigger at 110.  i trolled nw til 380 then the 400 wire starts ripping.  he ripped it out to 800' before i even got it out of the holder.  i got the rod out and went to work on him.i got him to just under 300' and all fo a sudden he was gone.  after a few words yelled i set the wire back out. i turned around and the 323 wire was going 5 mins later i had 5 # steely back in the lake he went.  10 mins later the rigger fired and screamed but again lost the fish! I lost 4 screamers and finally caught a nice 26# king on warrior uv salmon candy mag spoon on 110 rigger at 745.  pulled all rods and went in.  Kind of glad i lost the big screamer cause i was solo so my derby ticket wouldnt of matterd

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