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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. By this week you should be able to get south of the water treatment plant.People were fishing by outlet on Monday.Open water on the west side coming out of outlet today all the way down.Tight lines.Fishy
  2. Fishy has a 2005 24 ft Stingray with 2 walker electrics for sale
  3. There is a show on March 17th in the Brewerton Fire station that starts at 9:00 AM.March 24th at the Alexander FD from 9:00 AM.The biggest and BEST is the Watkins Clute Park on the 25th of March.Fishy Business will be at all of these shows selling mostly NEW products
  4. Fishy should be in the back northeast corner. Stop by and say hi.
  5. until

    Fishy Business will be there .Sale on Honey Bees,older Great Lake Lures,2 sizes of boat fenders.If you want quanities of fenders,text me here. Thanks Fishy
  6. Fishy Business will have new rods and reels at that show.If you want a specifice one, text him here. He will get back to you.
  7. Fishy couldnt get on either.Miss ready when eatting my breakfast.
  8. Don’t know that. Grass Point State Park has one too. Ok thank Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. there is one by the antique boat mussem.. north at redlight toward town.
  10. Barrett Marine at the north end of seneca Lake.I have used for over 20 years.
  11. I usually buy local or the smaller shops.That is where one will get the FREE advice on fishing tips.If the small shops go down under because of the on-line shopping. Where will you go when you need something today and not wait for the item you saved a few dollars on?
  12. Call the Waneta Inn,they might know.
  13. PAP,yes I am Fishy Business.It is nice that fisherman are buying local and not going to the big box store,or on line at E-bay ,Amazon,etc. cause if the local shops arent here for the quick pick-up products when something breaks,then you will have a time to ait for shipping.Yes somrtimes the locals are more money,but we dont buy case lots or split between many stores.Thank you for keep helping out the local store .The LOU site
  14. Fishy Business has spin doctors in stock. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Fishy Business has 3 chicken Feed in stock. Also has some other names to go with those. PM him here thanks Fishy. Near Keuka Lake State Park.
  16. Fishy uses blood run line and if you need to buy some,Fishy Business by the State Park sells it and many more trout equipment. You will still get fleas,but not as bad using mono. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. Thank you for your advice. I will pass this on and keep bananas off my boat for better fishing. Fishy Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. bannanas As a fisherman from the finger lakes,I was asked by some friends that went to the Big O,what is wrong with eatting bannanas on a charter up there?I have no problem catching fish eatting bannanas down here on my boat. Any help would be nice. Thank you
  19. Check at Fishy Business by Keuka Lake State Park. They have many different ones in stock. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  20. My choice for the Finger Lakes would be 2 thermocline rods to start with .I get more fish on Keuka Lake with this setup than with my downriggers.Dipsy rods run a close second. Fishy
  21. That is correct. Haven't sold in 5 years or more. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. Fishy Business sells Blood Run Sea Flea or Big Game 30 plus. Nothing really works that good for me. The best for me was and still have some on thermal rig is Cortland Fleaflicker, but it vibrates being triangle shaped. Cuts the fleas while bringing in rigs. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Went out Tuesday night for a few hours. Fleas are here for the summer. Boated two lakers on Dipsys. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. My fish have been that size with little perch or bugs in stomach. Bait declining, will be out Tuesday night weather permitting. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  25. Keuka has been good to the Copper pulling fisherman. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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