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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Blood Run make a sea flea line. Fishy business on Keuka lake stocks it
  2. Fishhook has reels for sale on here now
  3. Fishy on Keuka Lake charges $15.00 a stored foot till May 1 st 2017
  4. Watch out , he likes to make deals then sell to others for more $$$
  5. Will sell you 2 okuma MAG 30's shipping included new for $100.00
  6. I will take the reels if still there
  7. I will take the reels if still there
  8. How many Great Lakes do you have?
  9. Yes I have #12 weights in the shop. Call or text and I will give you a honest deal. LOL.
  10. We dealed on a Sunday check was in mail Monday seller called Weds. I think that was as fast as mail goes through the postal system
  11. It took me awhile to write this because we as members here should be trusted to deliver once a sale has been made.I Have been a member here for awhile and have bought and sold items with no problems.The last items i (thought )I bought ,the seller and I agreed on a price and I sent a check for the correct price.After the seller received the check ,I was notified that HE,the seller, decided to sell to another person because he was offered more money for the same item that I had sent a check for.If this is the way some people are on this site,I hope nobody buys items from this person in the future.A deal is a deal after check or paypal is done.I hope nobody does business with" BrokeOff" in the future,but if you do, you might want to reconsider your actions. Thank you Fishy
  12. Fishy has one too 607-368-2306
  13. Fishy

    Sold / Closed SOLD

    Sent PM about your reels
  14. Fishy

    Sold / Closed SOLD

    I will buy all six for $210.00 PM me if interested in the price.
  15. Shakenbake,the problem with taking you fishing on Keuka is we have many grease chickens here. The only fish you like are those that you have to drive 3 plus hours for and are silver colored.I dont need to fish 3 poles per person to catch fish on Keuka,so a smaller boat works well for me.Thank you and good fishin.
  16. Fishy Business is on Pepper Rd in Branchport NY 5 houses south of Keuka Lake State Park. Open most days from 8:00AM till 4:00 PM and Sat till 2;00 PM.
  17. Yes Fishy has one more left and also roamer releases in stock
  18. How many do you want Jimslbert
  19. Ok will do my best thanks
  20. Fishy will check and get back to you.If not might be able to have by Monday.
  21. Lots of brown colored fish. Legal size but out of season now.
  22. Early in AM flat line NW side30-80 fow then go deep 80/140 meat rods.
  23. Tuesday the temp. was 47 on top. Until Tuesday Fishy was boating most of his fish flat lining.Now he is going deeper.Good luck on Sunday with Keuka.
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